
Entitled Parent Thought He Was Carrying Candy And Demanded It From Him, So He Gave Her The Bag Even Though It Was Filled With Something Truly Nasty

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@patrickian4

Hang on tight, folks!

Because you’re about to hear from a person who had enough of their entitled neighbor and decided they weren’t going to put up with it anymore.

Check out what happened in this story from Reddit!

Give your Candy!

“I have an Entitled parent story with their kid.

Cast: Me, my mom, Entitled mom, Entitled daughter

Background: I have two cats, and they both use the litter box, and it needs to be cleaned out often. I usually put the litter in a grocery bag and double up the bag in case one break or has a hole in it.

Story: So, I was cleaning out the litter boxes since I had a little bit of time before I needed to do my schoolwork. I grabbed out the scooper and bags, and it so happened to be that the bag on the outside was a bag from a local candy store. I thought nothing of it and continued taking care of the cat business.


I got outside, heading to the dumpster, Entitled Daughter and Entitled Mother had a walk in our neighborhood. Entitled Daughter comes up to me and says, “Hey can I have some candy?”

I was super confused and didn’t know where she thought I had candy.

Then Entitled Mom comes over.

“Don’t play stupid. You obviously have a “name of candy store” bag on you.”

I look at it and realize what they think they see.

“Oh, no, this isn’t full of candy,” I said, trying not to tell her it has cat poop in it.

“No, you give Entitled Daughter some candy now, and we will be on our way.” She demanded.

If you say so.

I decided that I was tired of this ****. Literally, “Fine, have the whole bag,” I said and handed it to them.

They looked so pleased with themselves that it actually worked. But, once they opened the bag the disappointment on their faces was priceless. “Hey, this isn’t candy!” Said Entitled Daughter.

“You, give us candy as you promised,” Entitled Mom demanded from me.

“I never promised you anything. I told you it’s not candy, and you didn’t believe me.” I politely told her in a smart *** way.

“NO, YOU DIDN’T! YOU’RE A LIAR! A LIAR, I SAY, A LIAR!” Entitled Mom shouted at me.

Then, my mom came out of the house. “What’s going on here?” She asked and saw it was Entitled Mom. “Oh… I know what’s going on.” She came over.

“Your son promised my daughter and I candy, and he gave us a bag of ****!” She yelled at her.

“First of all, that’s not how you address me. Second, I can pull up the security camera footage, and we can see who is in the wrong here. It has audio, and if you are wrong, we could press charges on you for trespassing on our property.” She tells Entitled Mom.

Get outta here!

Entitled mom took no chances and realized she was beaten.

She took the bag of litter and threw it onto our driveway, and huffed away with Entitled daughter, flipping us off as they went away.

And in response, my mom and I just death glared them. After they were a few houses away, my mom returned inside, and I picked up the bag. Thankfully nothing fell out, and the bag was still intact, so I put it in the dumpster.

After that, nothing happened. We didn’t press charges over something that petty, and that was a good reminder on why we never interact with that family.”

Here’s how folks responded.

This person made a funny comment.

Another individual couldn’t believe it…

This individual shared a story.

Another person nailed it.

I’m glad I don’t have neighbors like this…

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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