
He Bought A House And Told His Girlfriend To Move In, But Now He Also Expects Her Do All The Renovations

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Laurie Shaw

Renting a place as a boyfriend and girlfriend is different than living in a house that only one person owns.

In today’s story, drama ensues when a boyfriend and girlfriend move into a fixer that the boyfriend bought on his own.

Let’s see why the girlfriend doesn’t want to help her boyfriend out…

AITA for not wanting to financially contribute to my boyfriends home repairs even though I live with him?

I 25f live with my boyfriend 28m. I’m in grad school and work from home full time. He works full time.

I make 60k a year, he makes 200k a year. We split bills 70/30. 20% of my income goes to paying for grad school since I have a bartending side gig that I use to cover the expenses of it.

Everything was fine when they first decided to live together.

We moved in together into an apartment that we both chose and things were fine.

When the housing market started getting really bad, he got anxious about not having a property in his name and bought one.

I didn’t really care, since we’re not married and he can do whatever he wants with his $.

Forward a few months and our lease is ending, and he waits until 3 days before to tell me we have to move out, they already leased our unit because he didn’t renew the lease and we move into the townhouse he bought.

Her boyfriend expected her to use her DIY skills.

I’m an avid DIYer, and my mom is a GC and previously an architectural engineer.

So I’ve done tons of home improvement jobs at my moms house and my childhood home on my own. Kitchen, bathroom, backyard, flooring renovations etc.

My bf is now upset because I told him that not only will I not do any of that at his place, that is only in his name (as it should be) I also wont financially contribute to renovations.

She’d help out if she thought it were essential.

It would be different if there was structural damage or things in need of fix, but he just wants updates bc the townhouse has all of the early 90s finishes.

I have enough on my plate right now with both jobs, grad school, and hella debt.

I’m not going to play bob the builder in my small amount of down time, especially when I will never profit from it.

He said I’m selfish and don’t care about him, and has been acting weird since.


Welp… that’s one way to try and take advantage of your significant other.

The people on Reddit were not very kind to this guy.

This person thinks she should’ve broken up with her boyfriend a long time ago.

This reader thinks the boyfriend is being completely unreasonable.

Can we talk about how the boyfriend tends to make big decisions without telling his girlfriend?

One reader points out that she’s technically her boyfriend’s tenant.

He could’ve asked and not expected.

Maybe he should consider paying his girlfriend to renovate his home, or maybe she should consider moving out?

Yeah, she should really move out.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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