
He Got Along With His Neighbors Until His Sister Moved In, So He Chose Them Over Her And Kicked Her Out

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

Would you choose family over neighbors? That’s the question in today’s story.

One man’s sister doesn’t get along with his neighbors, so he decided to kick her out.

Now, he’s wondering if he should’ve let her stay.

Let’s see how it unfolds…

AITA telling my sister to stay somewhere else after she embarrassed me with my neighbors?

I’ve (31M) lived at the same home for 2 years and am very friendly with my neighbors.

They’re nice people. Married couple in their late 40’s with one 10 yr old daughter and 14 year son.

Every weekend since I’ve lived there they like to have a small get together with their family. Not a big party but they do grill out on their porch, play music and chat. It’s never more than 10 people.

Honestly it never bothered me. Music is always off by 10pm and they don’t get rowdy. My family isn’t close like that so it actually feels nice they do it every weekend and sometimes they’ve invited me over for a burger.

Like I say, nice people.

Everything was great until his sister moved in…

My sister (27f) is having problems with her boyfriend and she doesn’t want to stay at their place right now so here she is.

The past month she complained about my neighbors and how annoying they are. She doesn’t know how I stand it and I should tell them something .

But I’ve literally got no problem with it and I told her they’re not doing anything bad.

The sister confronted the neighbors behind OP’s back.

Well a couple weeks ago I was approached by the husband and he apologized for being so rude.

Had no idea what he was talking about.

He said my “wife” complained to him about their loud music the other weekend, and me and her both have gotten extremely annoyed by it. She threatened to call the police if they kept this up because they are disturbing the peace.

OP was very upset.

I was pretty red from both anger and embarrassment.

So I explained to him that i have no problems with that and she’s my sister, not wife. Apparently she said that so they’d take her seriously as the owner of the house.

He confronted his sister about what she did.

My sister refused to apologize and said she absolutely would call the police because they need to learn to not be annoying with their music.

So that’s when I told her to look somewhere else to stay if she’s going to cause problems with my neighbors.

Right now she’s couchsurfing between friends, and my family is angry that I was willing to kick her out of my home over issues with my neighbors.

His parents are on the sister’s side.

My parents are far so of course they can’t take her, and because I’m the only person close to her, they feel like I’m not being a very good brother for caring more about this than my sister having somewhere to stay.

I feel like I am in a way justified in not wanting her to create problems between our houses but at the same time, yeah she doesn’t have a place to stay right now. So AITA?

The sister was in the wrong for complaining to the neighbors and lying to them that she was her brother’s wife. It seems like she was trying to create problems instead of being grateful for her brother’s hospitality.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader has a good comeback for the parents’ comment…

Another person believes OP’s sister was in the wrong.

The sister DID do a lot of things wrong…

This reader points out that OP’s sister is the source of the conflict.

Another reader points out just how ridiculous it was for OP’s sister to complain.

It sounds like this homeowner has great neighbors.

If his sister doesn’t like them, she’s the one who needs to leave.

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