
He Has A Stutter And Can’t Say His New Sibling’s Name, But The Pressure His Parents Are Putting On Him Just Makes It Worse

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Having a stutter is frustrating for everyone, but no one more than the person who struggles.

You would hope that the people who are supposed to love you the most would be supportive, but what if it was the opposite?

This kid has been working to overcome his struggle for years, but things have gotten rough ever since his parents told him they were having another baby.

Read the story to find out why!

AITA for telling my parents it’s unfair to blame me for not saying my new sister’s name correctly?

I (16m) have speech issues. I have a stutter and I also have trouble making certain sounds as well.

I did speech therapy when I was younger and I’m better than I was but still can’t say some things correctly.

Now, he’s really struggling to say his new baby sister’s name.

I was my parents only child until now. My mom is pregnant with my baby sister. And they chose her name which is something I can’t say correctly.

The name is Michelle.

I have a lot of trouble with the chell part and I don’t say words like shell right either.

His parents, for some reason, think he’s doing it on purpose.

My parents are really frustrated by it and they are saying I’m doing it intentionally because I don’t like the fact it’s a traditional name.

They used the fact I want to change my name to say I’m being intentionally difficult.

It hurts. They know I always struggled with this but now it’s a great big issue.

The pressure they’re putting on him is making it worse.

My stutter got worse because of the stress of my parents and now the name sounds even worse out of my mouth which angers them more.

But I’m not doing it intentionally. I worked so hard for so long on the sounds.

My (maternal) grandparents spoke in my defense but mom told them to shut up and said they were encouraging me.

She was already pissed because they offered to pay for me to change my name.

My mom said it was so wrong and this was just another way for them to undermine her and my dad as my parents.

He’s tried to talk to them but nothing is going right.

This led to me telling my parents it’s unfair for them to blame me for saying the name wrong. I said it when they got on me again for how I was saying the name.

They keep making me repeat it so I get it right. But I get worse because the pressure makes my stutter so bad.

My parents told me I shouldn’t talk to them about fair when I keep shitting on the names they love.

Which I don’t. I never said anything about Michelle and I regret telling them I hate my name and want something different (my name is Richard).


Was he wrong to stand up for himself?

Reddit is going to weigh in!

The top comment says the parents are making it worse.

Other parents definitely feel for this kid.

They hope he can bond with his sister anyway.

Why are they putting him through this?

If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s theirs.

This is definitely parenting done wrong.


If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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