
Her Bullying Roommates Wanted Her To Move Out, So She Did What They Asked And Left Them With Almost Nothing

Source: Reddit/Wikimedia Commons

Ugh, having bad roommates is just THE WORST.

You can say that again!

And this woman felt like she only had one option left when her roommates bullied her into leaving their apartment.

What did she do?

Read on and see for yourself.

I moved out and took everything.

“It became apparent to me last week that my roommates were trying to drive me out of the house to get one of their boyfriends in on my lease.

When I told them I wanted to stay, they started staging incidents/messes around the house so they could yell at me for them and it all came to a head when they called a meeting with me two days ago.

This was an ugly situation.

One of them had to hold the other back as she screamed at me that she didn’t like me and I was not welcome in the building. They proceeded to tell me that I contributed nothing to the house and wasted their space and that they had gotten in with the landlady and convinced her to not renew my lease in June.

I told them I’d talk to the landlady and when they said they were the heads of the house I laughed and went on with my day.

I spoke to the landlady and she acknowledged that they were out of hand and while she had given them the power to not renew my lease, she also said I could move out whenever and not pay for a single day I wasn’t there.

I’m outta here!

So, yesterday when my roommates both left to visit family (they are sisters), I immediately called everyone I knew and vacated the house of everything I owned. I took the curtains, the rugs, all the cat toys and even the cat tower that I had made with my mom.

I took all of their things off my shelves and other furniture and stacked them in the middle of the now nearly empty living room. I snapped pictures of everything, handed the keys to the landlady and immediately left.

They’re in for a shock.

They won’t be back to the house until tomorrow. I’ve blocked them on everything so I won’t get any angry messages, but I’m sure their faces will be priceless when they come home to a half-empty house with hundreds of dollars in storage and furniture gone.

So much for me not contributing anything to the house, now I actually don’t. They also have to find someone else to take up the lease till boyfriend can move in when June comes around or they have to pick up my rent.

Feels pretty good.”

Check out what folks said about this story on Reddit.

One reader said they need to cover their ***.

Another person shared a story.

This reader spoke up.

Another individual chimed in.

This Reddit user has been there before…

Even the rug went with her!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who gave two weeks notice… so his employer disabled his truck when he was 300 miles from home!

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