
Her Ex Was Cheating On Her So She Broke It Off, But Now Her Sister Is Engaged To Him. Now The Family Is Threatening To Cut Her Off Financially If She Refuses To Attend Their Wedding.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Emma Bauso

Getting over an ex can be difficult enough, but it becomes impossible when your sister gets married to your ex!

That’s exactly what happens in today’s story, and the bride’s sister does not want to go to the wedding.

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

AITA for refusing to attend my sister’s wedding after she secretly dated and got engaged to my ex-fiancé?

Alright Reddit, buckle up, because this is a rollercoaster.

I (28F) was engaged to my ex-fiancé “Mike” (30M) for two years.

We were together for five years in total and were supposed to get married last summer.

About three months before our wedding, I found out that he had been cheating on me with someone else. It was devastating, and I called off the wedding immediately.

She eventually moved on.

Mike moved away shortly after we broke up, and I thought that was the end of it.

I was heartbroken, but I slowly started to move on with my life.

Fast forward to last month, I get a call from my younger sister “Lily” (25F) saying she has exciting news and wants me to come over to our parents’ house for dinner to share it.

It turns out that Lily had been hiding a big secret.

When I arrived, Lily and my parents were all smiles, and she drops the bombshell: she’s engaged. To Mike.

My head was spinning. I felt like I was going to pass out.

Lily and Mike had been secretly dating for the past year, and now they were engaged.

My parents had known about it for months but decided to keep it from me to “protect my feelings.” They actually thought I’d be happy for them eventually.

OP did not take the news well.

Lily tried to justify it by saying she and Mike fell in love after our breakup and that their relationship is meant to be.

She insisted that they didn’t start dating until after we were officially over, but I felt betrayed on so many levels.

I told them all that I wanted nothing to do with their wedding and stormed out.

Her parents are threatening her to try to get her to go to the wedding.

Since then, my parents and Lily have been bombarding me with calls and texts, calling me selfish and saying I’m overreacting. They claim that true love is rare and I should be supportive of Lily’s happiness.

Now, the wedding is in a few months, and the pressure is on.

My parents have even threatened to cut me off financially if I don’t attend.

Lily really wants OP at her wedding.

Some friends think I should go to keep the peace and show I’m over it, while others are appalled and say I have every right to be angry and to stay away.

To add insult to injury, Lily recently asked if I would be her maid of honor, claiming she wants to mend our relationship.

This request has left me torn—I don’t want to ruin our family dynamic further, but I can’t shake the hurt and betrayal I feel.

So, AITA for refusing to attend my sister’s wedding after she secretly dated and got engaged to my ex-fiancé?

It seems like the biggest mistake here was Lily’s decision to keep her relationship with Mike a secret. She should have told her sister she wanted to date him before they even went out on their first date.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader thinks Mike cheated on OP with Lily.

Another reader has a suggestion of what OP could do at the wedding…

This reader doesn’t think OP should need her parents’ money.

Another reader thinks her parents shouldn’t be threatening her.

OP needs to decide if she wants to have a relationship with her sister after all this.

Lies aren’t worth it. Secrets don’t protect anyone’s feelings.

I wouldn’t want to go to the sister’s wedding either.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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