
Her Friend Said It Was Her Turn To Pay For Their Meal, But She Disagrees And Now They Aren’t Speaking

Source: Pexels/Karolina Kaboompics

Dining out with another person can be pretty awkward because it inevitable brings up the subject of who is going to pay.

It can help ease the discomfort to establish that before you go out, but that’s awkward, too.

See how this person made the wrong assumption about the bill and the problems it caused.

AITA for refusing to pay for my roommate’s meal?

I, (20F) have a college roommate “Michelle” (34F) who I share summer housing with in our university’s dorms.

Michelle will joins me to eat out and lately she had been showering me in extra attention.

She even paid for most of my meals when we eat out.

One day we went out to eat at a slightly nicer sushi restaurant to celebrate being done with midterms.

Things aren’t equal and that’s where the complications come in.

To put it as politely as possible, Michelle is a bigger girl so she ordered dumpling appetizers, 5 sushi roles, and a drink.

She usually orders 2-3 meals per restaurant we go to. I got one sushi roll and water because it was $10-$17 a roll and I’m not a big eater.

When we were halfway through the meal, Michelle suggests that it’s my turn to pay for both our meals.

I say, what do you mean? We never set up any kind of agreement.

She got really upset, claiming that she “paid for all my other meals” and it was my turn to pay her back now.

But OP still won’t back down and that comes with another kind of price.

I told her I’m grateful, but I didn’t know there was an expectation to return the favor, especially because she ordered disproportionately more food than me and I couldn’t afford that much for one meal.

When we were finished, I made sure to ask for separate checks and she hasn’t said a word to me since.

I’m really worried that this caused a rift in our friendship, maybe I was being unreasonable and I should have just paid for her meal.


Check out what people are saying.

This is what I think. It’s pretty tacky to keep going for meals with someone without even offering to pay.

It seems like they’re evenly matched, to be honest.

It’s such a weird thing to do, even though OP should pay sometimes.

Judgy and cheap is right. The weight comments were unnecessary.

It does seem calculated, which I disagree with. But OP still needs to contribute or not go at all.

The delicious meal left a foul taste in both of their mouths.

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