
Her Sister-In-Law Borrowed Her Favorite Cup Without Permission And Broke It, But She Didn’t Apologize And Even Blamed Her

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

I don’t mind lending my favorite stuff to guests, let alone relatives and family members.

But they have to ask for permission first, right? I mean, this is a basic social rule.

But OP’s sister-in-law did not only not ask permission to use her cup, she even broke it, covered up the deed, and even had the nerve to blame OP for everything!

Like, WTH? Read the full story below and tell us your thoughts.

AITA for not getting over a broken cup?

We live in the middle of nowhere, and host a July 4th BBQ and firework show for my family.

Last year, my SIL Megan decided she didn’t want her daughter (3) drinking from a plastic cup.

Megan went into my kitchen, went through my cabinets, and found my Chip (from beauty and the beast) cup that my mother got me at Disneyland.

Of course, they broke the cup.

She gave the ceramic mug to her toddler, and it was dropped and broken.

She did not tell me about it, and I just saw it in the trash.

I asked a cousin who was inside the kitchen, and he saw Megan tell her daughter “not to tell anyone that she broke it.”

OP didn’t get any apology.

I confronted Megan, and the scene got very ugly mainly because I asked, “Why do you think it’s okay to go through people’s stuff and break them while being guest in the house?”

She tried to tell me her daughter got the cup, and I said the cup was on a shelf in an upper cabinet, and she couldn’t have reached it.

Megan acted like I was in the wrong because plastic cups are bad, and her daughter doesn’t drink from them.

So, OP didn’t invite Megan again.

I told her toddlers shouldn’t be drinking from coffee cups, and apologize when they break something.

This put a rift between Megan and me, and she has yet to apologize.

So when it came around time for this year’s 4th of July BBQ, Megan is off the guest list.

The husband said she needed to get over it.

My husband told my MIL, who said I’m still going at it over a stupid cup, that he should divorce me for being so petty.

So now my MIL and some of my husband’s family isn’t coming, and I say good.

My husband wants me to drop the cup issue, but it’s not only about the cup.

But OP said it’s more than just the cup!

It’s because his sister felt entitled to go through my cabinets, take an item out, let her daughter break my beloved cup, cover it up, and put it in the trash, then tell her daughter to lie about it.

And when confronted, she played the victim and refused to apologize for HER behavior, and then blamed me.

I don’t want that deceitful brat in my home.

Let’s see what other people have to say about this story.

This user agrees with OP.

This one, too.

SIL’s behavior is unacceptable, says this user.

Here’s a good point from this user.

This one is spot on!

Some people can be so entitled that they believe they’re always on the right.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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