Arrogance is not easy to deal with and it’s natural to want to get back at people who are condescending to you.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay people when they do something for you.
Read on to see why this person would disagree.
AITA for telling my brother that he has no idea what he’s talking about because he isn’t a parent?
My brother (22M) is doing a psychology degree, with a few modules on child psychology and development.
He regularly tells me that he thinks “iPad kids” are spoiled brats who will struggle developmentally and they are the spawn of lazy, negligent parents.
His brother’s incessant lecturing doesn’t seem warranted.
I wouldn’t say my kids are iPad kids but they do have an iPad between the 3 of them and more screen time that I would ideally like.
My brother also disapproves of us bribing our children with candy and lying to them.
Every time he tells me his views on parenting I just laugh and tell him to try being a parent, then I’ll take his advice.
He said he realized that not letting your kids use screens was very easy and they hadn’t watched TV or used their ipad in the 12 hours he’d been there.
He also said he’d calmed their fears, read to them, not had to bribe them to do anything with sweets and he’d dealt with very calm relaxed children, as opposed to the “brats” they normally are when they’re with me (his words).
He took things too far and he’s is putting his foot down.
We’d been planning on giving him £200 to thank him for doing this for us short notice and looking after the kids for so long but we sent him on his way without any pay.
The next day I called him up and told him that he didn’t know anything about parenting because he wasn’t a parent.
My mum called me up later to tell me my brother was crying and she called me a ******** because he was just trying to help.
My brother and parents are ****** off at me and not talking to me so AITA?
Here’s what people are saying.
I think the ego might be too big for that.
I can’t imagine my sister doing that to me or her kids. It’s awful.
Excellent point. It’s risky to alienate family.
I don’t know why anyone would think bribery works.
I can’t get over that. Grow up, folks.
Thanksgiving will be awkward.
This guy was way out of line.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.