
His Coworker’s Wife Made Delicious Indian Food For The Office Potluck, But Her Spoon Is Missing And His Coworker Insists They Replace It

Source: Pexels/RDNE Stock Project

It’s cliche as heck, but it’s often true that no good deed goes unpunished.

Even if that good deed is delicious.

Read this story to see how a serving spoon and leftover biryani caused drama in the office.

AITA for not replacing a spoon that went missing during a work potluck

My (23F) workplace decided to have a potluck and everyone brought a dish.

My coworker’s wife made 2 huge pans of biryani, crispy onions and a homemade yogurt, which were delicious.

But his wife’s spoon disappears.

He texts me asking about it and I tell him it’s not there. He insists I check again and I just didn’t respond.

That’s not the end of it, though. The quest for the missing spoon continues.

The next day at work he asks about it again. I was kind of getting annoyed because it’s a spoon? How expensive could it be?

I told him I already checked and I don’t have it.

He replies “Well, what am I supposed to do now? my wife cooked for you guys and sent cutlery and now it’s missing… She’s going to be very upset and she’s not going to want to cook for you again.”

I jokingly responded “I’m not sure what you’re going to do, I guess we’ll have to buy her a new one if this means no more biryani” and he goes “Yeah you will.”

He tries to put an end to the spoon saga.

He asked about us replacing it later that day and I said:

“If you knew your wife would be this upset about a spoon you should have made sure to round them up and bring them home last night. It’s not anyone else’s responsibility to replace it.”

Obviously it’s just a spoon and I wouldn’t mind replacing it but I have no idea what happened to it, neither does anyone else, and I feel like his wife’s anger isn’t our problem?

I do feel kind of bad because she was nice enough to make lots of food for us but I don’t see how him leaving the spoons at work and one of them going missing means we should replace it.


Check out what folks are saying.

I’m not a huge fan of single-use plastics, but I’d make an exception for a potluck.

A lot of people get why OP got all the blame. I think something is missing from this story.

Definitely. It might not help, but you need to make an effort.

Oh, dear. That’s awful. Rice cookers aren’t cheap!

It’s SO easily done. But people like a mystery, I guess.

Just get her a new spoon!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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