
His Girlfriend Can’t Afford To Go On Vacation For His Birthday, So He Wants To Go Without Her Because They’ve Only Been Going Out For 3 Months

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@megjcreative

Hmmm, this is a tough one…

What is a person supposed to do if their partner wants to go on a trip with them, but they don’t quite have the cash flow to make it happen?

Like I said, a tough one!

The guy you’re going to hear from made his decision, but he wants to know what YOU think.

Let’s see what this fella had to say…

AITA for going on vacation without my girlfriend if she can’t pay her way?

“I (39M) am dating someone (33F) and have been for the last 3 months. Things are going well until the topic of my 40th birthday came up.

Next year I turn 40. And I’ve never taken an actual vacation. I’ve extended work trips to do something fun where I am.

I’ve traveled to visit friends or family. Always just for a long weekend (never more than 3 days total).

He’s ready to get out of town.

I want to take a week and travel purely for recreational purposes. My criteria is that the trip needs to be at least a week and be international.

I’ve also worked hard to get my finances in shape since my 20s. And now I have a decent business and some money set aside and I feel like I’m ready for a trip and next year woukd be a great opportunity as it is a milestone birthday.

There’s a problem…

My girlfriend is great. She works hard and supports herself. But she doesn’t make as much money and, most importantly, is currently saddled with around $20k in credit card debt arising from a period of unexpected unemployment she had in the past that forced her to burn through savings and live on credit cards.

When the topic of this trio came up she first asked if she could go. I said sure. She then asked if we could go to Vegas. I told her about my desire for this to be an international trip.

Then she expressed concern over if she could afford it while it debt. I told her I’d be willing to cover our lodging and, depending on where we go, help her pay for airfare.

Because we haven’t been dating long I don’t feel comfortable paying her whole way and feel she should contribute financially to come along.


She then told me she didn’t feel she could afford to cover meals + half airfare even if I went somewhere relatively cheap (I was thinking possibly carribean where trip flights are running typically under $500).

So I said that I understood but I also have been wanting to do this milestone birthday thing for a while now and I still intend to go even if just by myself and would only be gone a week.

Uh oh…

She became upset that I would travel without her and it caused a bit of a fight. My friends and family are split.

On the one hand some point out how many things I wanted to do but didn’t get to do because my ex refused to “let” me and so I should go forth with or without her.

On the other, some are saying it is cruel of me to be planning a vacation in front of a person who is trying to pay off large amounts of debt anyway.

I can see both sides and just want to know, AITA?”

Let’s see how people reacted.

This person spoke up.

Another individual shared their thoughts.

This reader nailed it.

Another reader said he’s NTA.

And this individual hit the nail on the head.

Sorry, but…smell ya later!

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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