
His Mom Abandoned Him During His Youth So He Didn’t Invite Her To His Wedding, But Now She’s Calling Him Heartless

Source: Pexels/Emilio González

Weddings are a happy event to celebrate the love of a couple and bring family together.

What happens if you don’t want to invite one of the parents because of issues growing up?

That’s what is happening in this story, check it out.

AITA for telling my mother she was a pathetic parent and she isn’t invited to my wedding

I am getting married at the end of the year.

When I was a kid, my dad divorced my mom, and she was a SAHM at that time.

In short, he felt like she was lazy and spending all his money.

At the time I didn’t see it and was quite angry at him.

He had us for weekends and the rest was mom.

She had to find a job and worked long shifts.

Kids have to be a priority!

That would be fine if she didn’t forget about us.

She would get home and not help us with homework and anything.

It was my job to clean everything and keep my younger brother in line.

At least he had one good parent.

When I was a teenager, I moved in with dad and my life got so much better.

Funny enough since I went full time and my brother soon joined, she had to pay child support.

Come on mom, be better.

She was pissed about that and basically stopped talking to us.

Anyways my invites for my wedding went out.

No surprise this caused drama.

One went to my aunt, and I believe she mentioned it to my mother.

I got a call asking about her invite

I told her she wasn’t invited, and this started an argument.

I told her she was a pathetic parent and she called me heartless.


Wow, that is a difficult situation to be in.

Let’s see if the commenters have anything to say.

No excuse for this.

Yup, good point.

The nerve.

It is up to him.

Yeah, details would be helpful.

Come on Mom, do better!

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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