
His Sister Agreed To Live With Him For Free In Exchange For Babysitting, But When She Didn’t Babysit Anymore He Gave Her Room To Someone Who Would

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Thới Nam Cao

In today’s story, a brother makes an arrangement with his sister to let her live with him for free, but she doesn’t like the arrangement. Now, she’s upset that he will no longer let her live with him, and he’s wondering who’s right and who’s wrong.

Let’s see how the living arrangement unravels…

AITA for giving away my sister’s room to an international student in return for free babysitting?

My sister Lanie lived with my family for her first year of university.

We didn’t charge her anything.

In return she was supposed to help around the house and babysit for us when we needed. It was maximum two weeknights and one day/night on the weekend.

It worked great until it didn’t.

Lanie no longer thought the arrangement was fair.

After her first semester she decided it was unfair and started refusing to do it.

Our kids aren’t in diapers and are pretty self sufficient. We just needed an adult there to make sure they were okay.

The parents are on Lanie’s side.

We talked to my mom and dad about it and they said that she deserved a social life.

My wife has a lot of family and friends that send their kids to the states for an education. So we made arrangements to get one of her “cousins” to come stay with us.

My sister moved out to go home for the summer. My wife’s family friend moved in.

They made sure Lanie would still have a place to stay when she got back.

We made sure we told my parents about it so they could arrange for my sister to stay in dorms or rent an apartment with friends.

They understood.

My sister has gone nuts however. She is upset that I gave away “her room”. That she didn’t pay for and that came with free food, internet, utilities, and access to a car if she needed.

Lanie does not understand her brother’s point-of-view.

She thinks we are being vindictive.

I think we had a deal and her and our parents tried to change it.

Maria is the opposite of Lanie.

Maria, the girl staying with us has been great. She tutors the kids and we have to tell her to stop cleaning because we have a cleaning lady.

Maria is getting four nights a week to herself and one weekend day. The exact same as my sister.

We are helping her get a license so she can drive the kids if she needs.

We will give her access to a car as well if we aren’t using them.

Lanie misses the free room and board.

My sister is upset because she was going to use the money from her summer job as fun money for the year and now she will have to use it for housing, transportation, and food.

She will also need a job during the school year so her social life will be impacted.

I tried talking to her about it but she said I was being unfair and cheap.

He thinks his sister had a good deal staying at his place.

If we pretend we were paying her $25 an hour that would be 16 hours X $25 X 4 weeks $1,600 a month.

Rent, all utilities, food, and access to a car for $1,600 is pretty good in our city. Dorms plus a meal plan will be more this fall.

He wasn’t obligated to let his sister live with him for free. Even his parents agreed.

Let’s see if Reddit agrees as well.

This reader believes the sister is to blame.

Another person pointed out how much the sister was getting for free.

This reader agrees that the sister had a good deal.

Another reader is on OP’s side as well.

This person warns OP that the sister could get revenge.

It sounds like he was doing his sister a favor she didn’t appreciate until it was gone.

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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