
20 Years Later He Finally Found Out Who Pulled A Prank On Him, So He Paid Him Back In The Most Epic Way Possible

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Unsplash/Jess Bailey

What happens when you discover your bully years later? And find out it was your own family member?

This story from Reddit relays an embarrassing incident from high school, and the petty revenge that followed decades later when the author discovered that the call was coming from inside the house.

It’s pretty great, so enjoy!

18 years after being pelted by yogurt, I returned the favor

The day before graduation my Junior year, I was in the cafeteria waiting for the bell to ring for the end of lunch.

It was common for students to start lining up at the doors waiting for the bell.

I usually didn’t and would just wait in my seat with my friends.

Sounds like a normal day, until…

The bell rang and I was about to stand up, when I was clobbered on the side of my head with an open Trix yogurt.

Everyone was leaving and there was no indication as to who threw it. My friends helped me clean it off as much as possible and I stopped at the bathroom to try to wash it out.

It’s bad enough to get attacked by yogurt, it’s worse when that yogurt ends up baking on in the afternoon sun.

I got most of it out, but I had to hurry out to the football field for band practice. The band was practicing for the graduation ceremony the next day.

So at noon, on the wide open football field, the rest of the yogurt baked into my hair, and I was scratching dried yogurt out of my hair until I could shower.

They say revenge is a dish best served cold, and a decade and a half later is certainly frigid.


I’m sitting at the table with my cousins at my Aunt’s house. My younger cousin was talking about all the immature things he used to do in High School, including opening the Trix yogurts and tossing them over his shoulder.

I said, “That was You!?!?!”

Not your own family member!

I then proceeded to tell the story of my ordeal while he busts a gut laughing at my misfortune.

So 15 years after it happened, I found my yogurt pelter… and it was my annoying, younger cousin!

I am sure the cousin reacted with maturity and let it go, right?

For the past 3 years, at every get-together, he calls me over to tell the new person the yogurt story.

Of course not. But our author has revenge on the mind. And he’s got a plan.

So, I’ve been planning for the past year to get my revenge by taking a yogurt and smashing it on his head.

Tonight, at the seafood boil my family threw, I got my revenge.

Time to pay the piper!

While he was sitting at the table, cracking open crab legs, I took the yogurt, came up behind him, and enjoyed smashing it ALL over his head!

I rubbed it in and it went all down the side of his head, into his beard, and onto his shirt.

And he finishes with a chef’s kiss of a line.

Then I leaned down and told him, “We’re even now.”

The author had to wait a long time to both identify the culprit and get his revenge, but I would say he absolutely won in the end.

Let’s see if the commenters of Reddit agree.

Top comment applauds the author’s patience.

Another commenter wonders why the cousin wasted the good stuff?!

A couple folks had ideas for taking the revenge just a little bit further.

Or maybe a LOT further.

It’s always good to remember, Trix are for kids, not pranks.

But if you have to get revenge, make sure you never give up.

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