
Man Excitedly Tells His Wife That His Friends Think He’s The Perfect Husband, But When She Laughs In His Face He Gets His Feelings Hurt

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Emma Bauso

Everyone in their mind has the “perfect” partner. For many of us its Chris Evans. Just kidding. Or am I?

But in real life, nobody’s perfect. But you know you’ve found the right person when you appreciate every part of them, even the ones that aren’t so perfect.

So when this user’s husband was excited to tell her that his friends said that he was “the perfect husband”, she laughed in his face, and told him to get a grip!

Was she too cruel to him, or was it warranted after he had done something similar? Decide for yourself!

AITA for laughing out loud when my husband told me his friends thinks he’s the perfect husband?

My husband was all smiles and encouraged when he told me that his friends at church told him they were talking about how he’s the perfect husband.

I immediately laughed and noticed that he was offended by that.

I told him how I believe he is an amazing husband and I wouldn’t want to be married to anybody else but I know the good, bad, and ugly so perfect is not how I would describe you.

But this explanation wasn’t working for OP’s husband.

I could tell he was still not pleased.

I said it was like when he laughs and thinks “if only you knew” when someone says that I must be an angel and they can’t see me getting upset, because he sees me when I’m upset often.

I learned that he expected me to be happy for him and think that it’s awesome that his friends think so highly of him.

OP’s husband then placed his foot directly in his mouth by telling her that his friends were more qualified to speak on him as a husband than she was!

Even when I challenged that I know you best as a husband because I’m married to you, he said his friends know him better because I tell them things I don’t tell you.

He also shared he didn’t think they literally meant perfect in the sense of having 0 flaws, but his interpretation was they thought him to be a high quality, role model husband.

When they gave him the compliment, he simply said thank you and said he wanted to ask them later about why they think that.

I was almost kind of on his side until he said that his friends know more about him as a husband than his wife would! Talk about mental gymnastics!

Reddit was similarly hung up on the “friends knowing him better” statement.

Other people thought there was a serious double standard going on here.

But some people stuck up for OP’s husband, and thought she was being unnecessarily cruel.

But this user responded that the only reason she reacted that way was because he did the same when she got a compliment!

If your friend thinks you’re such a good husband, go marry him!

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