
Neighbor Always Bangs On The Floor If They’re Too Loud, So They Decided To Answer By Launching A Toxic Surprise Into Her Apartment

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

There is no shortage of stories on Reddit about horrible neighbors who make life miserable for everyone around them.

There often isn’t a whole lot you can do if reasoning with those folks isn’t possible – and most people can’t afford to move on a dime.

This woman waited for the perfect opportunity.

Check out how she passively got back at her horrible neighbor.

My neighbour bangs on the floor.

I have one of those upstairs neighbours that bangs on the floor every time she thinks you’re being too loud, and leaves notes on your fence shaming you to the street.

But regardless of the strict rules of conduct she wants you to adhere to she herself stomp paces around her apartment and plays loud music at 630am while she showers.

She’s great fun, I live laugh love here under her reign everyday.

A beautiful spring day brought with it some inspiration.

The other day we had our first day of spring, it was so beautiful and warm outside with a breeze that came right into the house.

I went outside and realised naughty neighbour had her balcony doors open too.

And she decided to paint.

So I decided immediately it was time for a little DIY.

I whipped out the spray paint, shut my doors with my doggy inside and began the process of repainting the legs of my outdoor chairs.

Everytime my neighbour closed her doors I’d take a break and as soon as she reopened them I was out there putting on another coat and letting the fumes be swept inside her house by that glorious spring breeze.

The slamming door was music to her ears.

I could hear her slamming the door a little more each time and it was such sweet music to my ears.

I made sure the entire painting process took all day so she couldn’t enjoy the sunshine the entire day.

It was such a great success I might take up revamping furniture as a new hobby.

This one made me smile.

I bet Reddit did, too!

We’re all here for the pettiness.

Those are sweet moments.

So many projects to do!

It’s diabolical!

That would have been a different story.

You’ve gotta keep your wits about you.

You never know when revenge will present itself for the taking!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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