Call me crazy, but I like a good clothesline!
It brings back old memories of a simpler time…
But I guess not everyone feels that way!
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AITA for using a clothesline & “making my neighborhood trashy”?
“I began line drying during Covid; changed our laundry routine while bored at home during lockdown.
Our house has a large clothesline set up, a previous owner had metal posts set into concrete in the backyard & I bought some new line to string between them.
Why not, right?
This spring, with the warmer weather begins my third year using a clothesline. I have real data showing significant energy savings. I can hang 5 loads outside & they’ll all dry in an afternoon.
Laundry smells fresh; better than those “outdoor fresh” dryer sheets that smell artificial. When I mow the lawn & hang clothes after, the fresh cut grass & breeze give bedsheets a great scent.
Our clothes last longer & look better. We still use the dryer sparingly if we need a garment immediately. I use a clothes tree in the basement to dry during winter or if raining. I like the “green” aspect of all this.
What’s this?
Since I started hanging clothes again, I found a note taped to my front door from a neighbor I don’t know well.
-I make the neighborhood look “third world” like hillbillies live here, my hanging clothes are eyesores that lower property values & can be seen by potential homebuyers (there are several houses for sale on my street). I should use a clothes dryer like normal civilized people.
-This person lived in an HOA with a bylaw banning clotheslines & wishes the same law would pass here.
-When I hang my wife’s clothes, it’s “indecent” & visible to children.
So my clothes decay the neighborhood. This is a clothesline, not a beat up car on a lawn. So, I washed every dog blanket, comforter, towel, bath mat, dish rag etc… in a fit of spring cleaning & hung laundry every sunny day of the week.
I showed the letter to neighbors I trust & with my help they started line drying too! Not out of spite but I want that neighbor to see line drying as commonplace & she’d have others to go up against.
The only point I might understand are my wife’s intimates. She is busty & wears “loud” colors so a red striped bra with large cups or a lacy thong are certainly visible.
Grow up, people!
If Victoria’s Secret displays intimates on a mannequin & women can wear swimsuits at the beach, why is it a problem to hang laundry outdoors? Its not even an actual woman showing skin; it’s laundry without a body!
Are these kids so fragile that a mere whiff of ********* in form of panties on a line is enough to corrupt them? What about male underwear, are my boxers ok to display?
I could hang her intimates indoors but I never thought people were so prudish. My wife never demanded her intimates dried indoors.
I continue to line dry & wonder what our next encounter will be like. I wont respond to the note. Stepping back, Im also realizing this is one of the most ridiculous things I ever heard.
How could somebody accuse clotheslines of these things (e.g. they attract crime)? Im also looking for judgement.”
Check out how folks reacted to this story.
This reader sounds pretty sarcastic…
Another individual said he’s NTA.
This person sounded off.
Another reader shared their thoughts.
And this person didn’t hold back!
If you don’t like it…don’t look at it!
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