
Rude Mom Brought Her Awful Kid To The Unofficial Neighborhood Playground, So Home Owner Told Them To Leave, Built A Fence Around It And Ruined The Fun For All The Other Kids

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Anthony

Don’t you just hate it when you’re just showing care and concern to other children, and an entitled parent suddenly shows up and says, “You can’t say that to my kid!”?

I mean, like, what? Are you serious?

In this story, OP had no problem with kids playing on their playground, but when it became dangerous, she had to do something about it.

However, a rude mom killed the joy for everyone. Read the full story below.

AITA for telling the parents of the neighborhood the real reason why their kids can no longer play in my yard/playground

My grandparents owned the lot next to their house. They just used it for more yard space.

But when my sister and I were born, grandpa knocked down the old shed on the empty lot, and built a playground for us.

Everything was made with his own two hands.

It was a kid’s dream, and we both played there any chance we got.

A new generation of kids enjoyed the playground.

And after we grew up, they let the kids of their neighborhood use the place to play with no issues.

But then some years later, they passed and the house went to my mom.

I found out I’m expecting, so my husband “Andre” and I started seriously looking for a house when we’d only been half trying before.

OP bought the house.

Mom suggested we buy my grandparent’s house since we know it’s a good place, and us buying it would keep it in the family.

It’s still in good shape, has no HOA, and is close to a good school.

So we bought it for a steal, and moved in asap.

She loved seeing kids play in the playground.

Right away, we noticed parents hanging out at the playground with their kids.

We didn’t mind at first, and used the chance to introduce ourselves.

Everyone was lovely and younger than I’d expected, but it seems a bunch of couples with kids had taken over the street in the past 5 or so years.

She was terrified to see a kid on the roof.

The problem arose when Neighbor Witch (NW) brought her kid over one afternoon.

I happened to be by the window, and saw a flash of red outside.

It was a kid in a red shirt, literally standing on the ROOF of one of the 2-story playhouses, almost 10 feet off the ground.

I ran outside, thinking he was alone, and said he needed to get down right now.

The kid’s mom argued with OP.

That’s when NW stormed over from who knows where, and yelled at me to **** off and not tell her kid crap.

I asked if she was his mom, and after getting a yes, I asked her to make her son get down before he got hurt.

She argued, saying I couldn’t make them do anything, so I told her this was my property, and yes, I could.

Threats were thrown all over.

That’s when the kid fell.

Thankfully, once he was halfway down, and only onto the grass, but he still wailed like he was dying.

He was fine. He got up without issue and ran over to NW.

She picked him up, and said if he’d been hurt, she’d have sued me, so I threatened her with the cops if she didn’t leave.

She flipped me off, and called me a “gin jockey” (random af, I don’t drink at all, let alone gin), but left.

So, OP and her husband decided to just secure the playground with a fence.

Andre was worried other people might try to sue us if their kids got hurt on our land (I hadn’t even thought of that), so we put up a fence.

Parents came by asking why there was a fence, so I told them why, and they can thank NW.

I heard she’s been shunned by the other parents, and none of them will let their kids play with hers.

I feel guilty her son is getting punished for her actions.

Maybe just saying we wanted a fence up, instead of telling them about NW would have been kinder?


Let’s read about the users’ comments on this story.

This user makes a very clear point.

This is true!

This user says your property, your rules.

Google alert. LOL!


There’s always that one person who ruins the fun for everyone!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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