
She Turned A Stranger’s Alarm Off During A Show, And Now Her Mom Won’t Stop Scolding And Embarrassing Her For It

Source: Pexels/Athena Sandrini

It’s always annoying when someone’s phone keeps going off for calls, alerts or alarms.

Most phone alarms will stop ringing eventually, unless they are set to keep going off “forever.”

In any case, even an alarm going off every five minutes is too much for some people to tolerate.

The person in this story is one of those people and some people are not happy about how she handled it.

Keep reading to see what happened.

AITA for snoozing a stranger’s phone alarm

I was at a “dinner and a show” theater with my family and friends this past Christmas.

As we were starting to eat our food, an alarm started to go off next to my ear.

The couple that was sitting at the table above me was away getting their food.

I waited for about two minutes, but it was LOUD, and positioned so that it was blaring at me.

I tapped the little snooze button so that the alarm would stop.

But that wasn’t the end of this issue.

When I did this, my mom, who was at the other end of the table, was astonished and scolded me harshly for touching someone else’s possession.

She said, “what if that alarm was for an important medication?”

I replied, “I only snoozed it, and I am going to let them know as soon as they return.”

When the people returned, I told them what I had done, politely apologizing for snoozing the alarm, and they thanked me and apologized as well for leaving the phone on the table.

They didn’t seem upset at all that I touched the phone.

Mom still won’t let it go.

This incident has come up a few times in conversation since.

My mom will not back down or apologize to me for scolding me and embarrassing me in front of my friends and family.

Most people that I have told are on my side, but some agree with my mom that it’s never appropriate to touch someone else’s property without permission.


Here’s what the commenters are saying.

I agree. I wonder what her mom’s deal is?

Sounds like it! Good example.

Hahaha I hope OP does this and updates us on how it went!

Take THAT, mom. I don’t like drama, so I’m not sure I’d do this.

Exactly. Mom is acting like OP was rifling through people’s bags or coats.

Mom may or may not need to get a life.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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