
She Turned Down His Fancy Date Night, So He Took His Brother Out Instead And She Ended Up In Tears Over It

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/Louis Hansel

Everyone deserves to treat themselves once in a while.

But what happens when your significant other turns down a date they think is too expensive… but you go without them anyway?

This story from Reddit dives into that exact scenario.

AITA because I(28m) went on a fancy night out with my little brother(20m) instead of my girlfriend(25f)?

I live in NYC.

I am not rich by any means, but I luckily inherited an apartment in my early 20’s, so I’m not so poor that I can’t afford to splurge for a night if I spend a few months saving for it since I don’t pay NYC levels of rent.

Which I do a few times a year, this time I had my eyes on a pretty exclusive restaurant.

Like Tom Haverford said, “Treat Yo Self”.

I made the reservations for two in January.

I didn’t have a girlfriend or intend on making a date out of this when I made the reservation.

Just wanted to casually have fun and enjoy the food and drinks.

He wasn’t afraid to go alone, but ended up having someone to invite afterall.

A few weeks ago, I got a text reminder about my upcoming reservation, and I invited my gf who I’ve now been seeing for 5 months.

She asked where the reservation was for, I told her, and she said it was too expensive.

I told her of course it was on my dime, and she still said no, that it was too expensive, she would feel too bad if I spent that much money on her.

For the third and final time, I asked her, told her I was paying and WANTED to pay for her, and she said no.

It sounds like he tried to convince her that this was something he wanted to do, but she was still worried about the cost. Would he cancel the reservation?

I asked a few friends and they all had plans or weren’t interested, and then decided I would take my baby brother.

So the day of, we got dressed to the 9’s, we went to our reservation. Afterwards, we went to a fancy hotel and swam around in the pool, walked around the city at 3AM, just having fun.

This is so wholesome.

Honestly, it was one of the best nights of my life just being a big kid with adult money with my baby brother.

Sounds like a great night. Would the girlfriend be happy for him?

And I told my girlfriend that verbatim when I got back to my apartment the next morning (she stayed the night with our shared cat).

I didn’t think I did anything wrong initially, but she started bawling her eyes out REALLY heavily and telling me I had no idea how sad it was for her that I went out and had the time of my life while she was alone in my apartment.

She was not happy. But the question is, did she have a right to be upset?

I asked why she was feeling so sad about it and she said she thought I was planning something major and romantic, and that she was disappointed that I didn’t try harder to get her to go.

I didn’t know what to do so I apologized but reminded her firmly that I invited her multiple times, and she said she really wanted to go but that she just felt bad that she couldn’t pay for herself.

There might be a deeper underlying issue.

I told her that sounds really immature. If I offer to do something and say I want to do it, and you say no, I don’t think it’s cool to cry to me about how much you wanted to go. I tried to explain this to her but she just cried harder.

I don’t know what to do.

She has NEVER acted like this, we don’t argue at all.

This is the healthiest relationship that I’ve ever seen or been in. I mean, I love her, I am really deeply in love with this girl, and I’m wondering if I handled anything about this the wrong way or insensitively.

I told her that she was 100000% invited on my next excursion and she said she would “think about it” but that this ruined the idea of her going on one with me.

I am sure the commenters on Reddit have some opinions about this one. Let’s hear them out.

Top comment says there’s nothing wrong with taking someone at their word.

Another adds, if this is the author’s idea of healthy, the past relationships must have been really bad.

Maybe the author needs to reexamine how healthy this relationship actually is.

He had a night to remember with his brother, that’s something worth celebrating, says this comment.

One comment has three words for the author.

If you tell someone you don’t want to do something, you don’t have the right to be mad when they go without you.

If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!

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