
She’s Been Giving Her Friend A Ride To Work, But Will Soon Go On Maternity Leave. Her Friend Thinks She’s A Jerk For Not Asking Her Partner To Drive Her Instead.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Elijah O'Donnell

You feel guilty when you don’t help someone.

But sometimes, helping people gets more problematic!

This girl got herself in trouble because her friend keeps expecting favors from her.

Check out what happened!

AITA for refusing to ask my partner if he’ll drive my friend to work when I go on maternity leave

I am currently 7 months pregnant and I give my friend a ride to work.

I’ve been doing this the last year because they lived 3 minutes away from me when I was in my old apartment, and I continued to do the favor when I moved in with my partner.

I’m going on maternity leave next month and my friend has no idea how she is getting to and from work.

Her friend wants a permanent ride.

She’s been trying to figure it out since I found out I was pregnant but she cannot drive, there are no driving schools nearby, the closest one is 2 hours away, and they have no family to help them.

I said I wish I could help more, but giving her rides while I’m on maternity leave but driving with a newborn at 6 am just isn’t happening.

She was being unreasonable!

Today she suggested I ask my partner (my baby’s father) if he would drive her, and I said no I’m not asking.

We have to be at work at 6:30 and my partner had to be at work at 7:30, and we live 10/15 minutes from my friend and our job is 20 minutes away from his job.

I’m not making my partner wake up earlier than he normally does to get ready for work and drive my friend to work because she can’t find a ride.

She even had her weird jokes!

She made a joke saying that he should because it’s his fault that I have to go out of work because he got me pregnant and as a friend she would appreciate the favor.

I said I wish we could help but I’m not asking him.

She’s made a scene out of it.

She’s upset with me because I won’t even ask, but I already know my partner will say yes.

He has people pleaser tendencies so I’m making the decision for him.

She had something to add.

Then she brought up how she wouldn’t have taken the job that I helped her get if she knew we wouldn’t be able to carpool anymore.

She figured it out when I couldn’t give her rides due to illness or appointments, but now I feel like she’s trying to guilt me and keeps insisting I just ask and won’t drop it.


This girl is really ungrateful for all the favors she has gotten!

Let’s check out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This person lists down all the available options!

This person thinks the friend is a little too clingy!

This person breaks down all the available options!

This person states some bitter facts.

This person find the post very wholesome.

The friend cannot expect to get a ride all her life?!

This girl is clearly right for refusing to help for once!

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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