
Teacher Told Them To Rewrite An Essay But Didn’t Provide Any Notes, So They Turned In The Same Essay And Got A Much Better Grade

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@kobuagency

I’m convinced that a lot of teachers out there don’t actually read essays these days.

Do I have any hard evidence for this?

Well, no…

But I want you to take my word for it! And this Reddit story offers more proof of what I’m talking about.

Take a look for yourself…

Rewrite the whole essay?

“In my sophomore year of high school our English class had to write an essay about a book.

Can’t remember which book, but it doesn’t matter.

Well when our essays were handed back, no one had gotten a good grade on it.

The teacher told us that we had to revise our essays based on the corrections we were given and then turn them in again.


She wanted 3 copies, the original, the revised one with corrections we made highlighted, and a final copy without the highlights.

I look at mine and compare it to everyone else’s essay, everyone else has the teacher’s comments written in red, things underlined, stuff crossed out.

Mine just has my grade, it was a D. So I talk to my teacher after class and ask her what I needed to fix since my essay had none of her comments.

Her response was that I had to rewrite my essay.

Again, I ask what do I need to change to get a better grade. She tells me that it wasn’t good and I needed to rewrite the entire essay.

You got it!

Cue my malicious compliance. I rewrote my entire essay… word for word… TWICE!

One for the highlighted copy and one for the final draft.

I highlighted random words and sentences on the highlighted copy, but again, it was the same as the one that was given a D.

A week later we get our grades back and mine had improved to a B.

The annoying part was that I couldn’t even call her out on it because my school has a plagiarism policy where you can’t submit the same assignment twice because that would be cheating.”

Now let’s see what Reddit users had to say.

This person offered some advice.

This individual shared a story.

This reader chimed in.

Another person had a lot to say.

Worked like a charm!

If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.

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