
They Let An Impatient BMW Driver Pass Because They Knew What Was Waiting For Him On The Other Side

Source: Reddit

Hey, where’s the fire?!?!

I say that to myself sometimes when I see a person drive by me like a lunatic…because all they’re really doing is putting themselves and other drivers in danger.

But some people need to learn the hard way when it comes to speeding.

Check out what happened in this story from Reddit.

I’ll let you pass, but…

“A little backstory: I drive 30 miles to work and back each day.


So for 60 miles of the hell that is Chicago traffic.

Now, when I get to one particular street the speed limit drops from 50 down to 30.

I know this, people around me tend to know this, and cops know it too.

People tend to form a 30 mph herd that prevents others from speeding and getting pulled over by the police.

A hot shot entered the picture.

Enter BMW.

30 was too good for him.

Honking his horn, flashing his brights.

Obviously this important man was on an important mission.

He must be racing to the Starbucks to save his stomach from instant coffee.

I grin as I realize what’s about to happen.

Sweet revenge is afoot!

I slow down just a little more and get behind the person in the right lane.

BMW man takes the opportunity and guns it, letting me know I’m number 1 as he whips by.

Not 15 seconds later I see the lights come on of a parked police cruiser.

I’ll let you pass but there will be consequences.”

Check out what Reddit users said about this.

This reader shared a story.

Another individual had a lot to say.

This Reddit user spoke up.

Another individual had a story to tell.

This person chimed in.

Aggressive drivers are THE WORST.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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