
Aunt Is Happy To Watch Her Niece When Her Brother And His Girlfriend Can’t Be Bothered, But Is Surprised When They Are Upset She Asks Them To Pay For The Kid’s Happy Meal

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/

If there’s one classic piece of advice that never has, and never will go out of style, it’s “Pick your battles.”

Sure you can demand your friend pay you back for the $10 of snacks they bought, but they might not be so inclined to give you a free ride to school every day after that!

So when this aunt agreed to watch her irresponsible brother’s daughter for umpteenth time, all she asked was that they pay for the food that she had gotten her niece.

But they weren’t having it.

Was she wrong to ask for money from her own family, or was she just standing her ground? Decide for yourself!

AITA for asking my brothers gf to pay for her happy meal?

My brother (35M) called me (26F) at 6am this morning to babysit my niece so he could go donate plasma.

I told him to wait until around 9-10am for my girls to wake up, then he could drop her off, with the understanding that it would only be for a few hours.

He drops her off and doesn’t give me a status update until after 7pm:

“There’s a lot of people at the donation place we just left, and were gunna go to get groceries so can you watch her for a couple more hours?”

But ever the caring Aunt, she agreed to keep watching his daughter.

I also had errands to run, so I took his daughter with us, and after, we planned to stop and buy something to eat for dinner.

I asked him for $15 for the snacks and fast food I bought for her today.

Mind you, this is the 100th time he has dropped his daughter off with me to babysit and doesn’t respond for 10+ hours.

By 9 pm, she still hadn’t gotten an answer, so she dropped her niece off at grandma to put her own kids to bed!

So with no response from him, or his gf, I arrive at my moms at 9pm to drop my niece off to hand off babysitting so I can put my girls to sleep.

When I arrive, my brothers baby momma is standing in the driveway (???) and plucks my niece out of the car without her happy meal and drives away.

This is the response from my brother after I asked him to pay for the money I spent on his daughter for the day:

“I’m sorry but can I pay you tomorrow. I’m all outta money already I’m a try n hustle some gift cards tonight and tomorrow for some money”

And if you thought that was bad, just wait for his girlfriend’s response!

The next message is from his baby momma who left without the happy meal I bought for her daughter…

“Wow really I see that you’re really upset about having to buy a meal for YOUR NIECE, MY DAUGHTER okay I get it ,it’s all about the money. I got you.

Don’t worry I will be giving you the money that you HAD to spend unwillingly on your niece.

BUT just know that I am making it clear right now that [niece] will not be able to spend time with you or vice versa. Just to avoid any of this drama or wrongdoing towards my child.”

Wrongdoing? You mean when you dropped your kid onto her doorstep and disappeared for the entire day?

is anyone else’s siblings or family like this!?

I just don’t know what to do, I think my brother is taking advantage of me.

I have four girls of my own and I just feel like they don’t care or mind that they don’t respond when they are out of reach the entire day to coordinate pickup.


I think her hunch they are taking advantage of her is spot on!

The nerve to be mad about 15 dollars after she watched their daughter all day countless times for free?

Reddit said if the girlfriend was serious about not letting her near her niece again, then she should have thanked her!

Many people suspected that her brother and his girlfriend were doing more than “donating plasma.”

This user said that they would come crawling back the second they needed her to babysit again!

And finally, this person wondered how the brother’s girlfriend would have reacted if she DIDN’T buy her the happy meal!

Losing your free babysitter over a 15 dollars of McDonald’s….


If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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