
When Their Neighbor Made It Difficult To Pull Out Of Their Own Driveway, His Wife Stepped In With Some Passive-Aggressive Pettiness

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Unsplash/Filip Filkovic Philatz

Is there anything more annoying than a bad parking job?

The kind where someone is just barely over the line but enough to make the spot next to them unusable? Or the person who parks at such an angle as to make it near impossible to get out?

Or, like in this story from Reddit, a neighbor that makes backing out of your driveway near-impossible?

Let’s see how this one plays out.

Wife’s Petty Parking Revenge

My wife exhibited a bit of petty revenge this weekend that made me so proud.

So I recently got a new job about 3 hours away from where our house is.

I found a rental house and have been spending the work week there and driving home on the weekends until my wife and kids moved up with me.

Must have been a tough time for the family. Maybe the neighbors stepped in and made the transition go a little more smoothly?

I complained to my wife how the neighbor across the street parks his truck directly across from our driveway, even though there is plenty of room in his driveway.

Apparently they did no such thing.

Not a big deal, just annoying to try to maneuver in and out of the driveway with it parked like that since our neighborhood has narrow streets.

But hey, there is nothing illegal or immoral about parking there, so just have to accept it.

Seems like a pretty easy going guy. But his wife wasn’t quite as willing to let sleeping dogs lie.

Well we made the move this weekend and I had a truck in the driveway unloading stuff, therefore my wife had to park on the street.

She purposely parked directly in front of their driveway out of spite.

She had never dealt with having to pull in and out of the driveway with the truck parked across the street yet, so that bit of petty revenge was just for me.

He must have been in awe.

She made me so proud.

Felt good to see the neighbor awkwardly try to back out of their driveway while trying to avoid our car.

This is a perfect example of harmless petty revenge. I am sure the commenters on Reddit loved it. Let’s see what they had to say.

Turns out, this one struck a nerve with people.

One commenter had to step in and stop their kids from doing the exact same thing.

Another wonders if there isn’t actually a legal issue here.

One recalled a time they had embarrassed a pretty big deal neighbor over the same issue.

And other said they can appreciate the pettiness…

But maybe try talking to them next time?

Sometimes it’s a better idea to park the revenge outside of the relationship!

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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