Woman Is Asked To Honor A Teacher She Had Had A Special Relationship With, But She Manages To Get Her Revenge On A Creepy Teacher In The Same Breath
by Ryan McCarthy
There are some teachers that you have as a kid that you will remember fondly for the rest of your life. Mentors who shaped who you are and encouraged you to follow your passions.
And then there are some teachers who you reserve only the nastiest words for, teachers who made your adolescent life an absolute nightmare.
So when this user was asked to honor an amazing homeroom teacher she had once had, she used the opportunity to stick it to an absolute creep of a teacher that had bullied her.
Check it out!
Horrible teacher gets his comeuppance
In Junior High I had a wonderful homeroom teacher (female) – she really cared about every student, she wasn’t afraid to demand good manners and integrity from us.
On the other hand, in high-school I had a horrible homeroom teacher (Male). He badgered female students to tell him about their sexual fantasies.
Once he called me for a private discussion, and told me that everybody in class hated and despised me (it turned out not to be true). And much more.
In short – a real daisy. One of the joys of finishing high-school was getting away from him.
OP never lost contact with her amazing homeroom teacher, and even helped host an event honoring her after her passing…
Years passed. I kept in touch with my homeroom teacher from junior high, my husband helped her with around her home and our daughters treated her as an honorary grandmother.
A year after she passed away, the teachers wanted to hold a memorial meeting for her, inviting teachers who had known and liked her as well as any students who wished to come.
They wanted to do it in the school in the afternoon, but the principal refused. So they asked me and I gladly agreed to host it in our large living room.
I arranged the room nicely, with photos of her all around. One of the teachers hung a notice about the meeting in the teachers’ lounge at school, giving the time, our name and address.
But there was one guest at the memorial who was decidedly less than welcome…
The time came, and people started coming in. And the creep of a homeroom teacher also came. He hadn’t realized it was my home, since I had taken my husband’s surname.
When I opened the door and he saw me, he started and froze. I politely invited him in.
The meeting was really good – stories were told, feelings were expressed, and we really felt her presence in our memories.
And he sat silent and abashed, and hardly said a word the whole time. It was a subtle, sweet revenge to see this bully finally cowed.
It’s always good to see such a creep have to face his own actions. I’m sure it was the best feeling watching him squirm and stay quiet like a scolded puppy the whole time.
Reddit said that he was probably realizing that he would never be remembered as fondly as OP’s cherished homeroom teacher had been at that event.
And others said that perverse teachers were all too common of a danger to girls in decades past.
And finally, this user said they would not have been nearly as forgiving as OP, and said they would have called him out right there!
How wasn’t this guy in jail?
If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.

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