
A Bus Passenger Moved Their Bag Without Permission To Sit Down, So Got Revenge And Made him Move By Blasting Heavy Metal Music

Source: Reddit

Well, this is certainly a creative and unique way to get even with someone…and we think you’re gonna love it!

Are you ready for a great revenge story from Reddit?

Let’s get started!

“Rude” guy in the bus.

“I’m on the bus right now and I’m sitting in the front row.

For some context, I’m German and people usually keep their distance here.

The bus wasn’t too full but most seats were taken, nobody had to stand though.

I usually put my bag on the seat next to me but if anyone comes and asks for the seat I, of course, remove my bag so they can sit.

Now, an older guy got on the bus a few stops after I got on it and since I sat in the first row he wanted to sit there.

Usually, not a problem.

Hands off!

But the guy decided to not even ask or motion for me to move my bag and instead just grabbed it and moved it by himself.

I don’t like people touching my belongings so I took it and put in on my lap.

I was about to tell him something like “you could’ve just asked” but I didn’t.

Instead I turned the volume of my music all the way up (I’m wearing headphones of course) to take my revenge.

It was heavy metal time.

I was listening to Mother Mother but I thought that their music wasn’t aggressive enough so I put on a metal song (Vicinity of Obscenity in particular) and I know that you can really hear it through my headphones because another time while I was on the bus listening to it someone asked for the song name.

I kept it on full volume until eventually the guy got up and moved to another seat.

Mission accomplished, I’d say.

I know that this is only a minor thing but I believe it was still a bit petty from me.

Deserved, though.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This person shared a story.

Another individual chimed in.

This person shared their thoughts.

Another Reddit user spoke up.

And another individual questioned their maturity…ouch…

Does anyone have any requests…?

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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