
A Girl Hit On Her High School Boyfriend All The Time, So She Humiliated Her In Front Of Everyone

Source: Reddit/Pexels

Petty revenge is something that teenagers are pretty darn good at, don’t you think?

You better believe it!

And this story from Reddit will remind you of that fact once again.

Are y’all ready for this?

Get started now!

How I made bratty Thumbelina stop flirting with my boyfriend.

“Back in high school, I dated a guy who we’ll call Jared.

After school Jared and I would hang out at his place with a group of 3-5 friends.

One girl in our group of friends was…interesting.

We’ll call her Trixie.

Trixie was a petite girl whose entire personality revolved around being cute and petite.

Oh, boy…

Also, despite being in a relationship herself, she was clearly into Jared.

She would claim that things were too heavy and ask only him to carry them, comment on how tall he was compared to her, ask him for piggy back rides, just general nonsense that made us both sort of uncomfortable.

I wouldn’t tolerate this now, but we did at the time because we liked hanging out with her boyfriend.

Well, it being that time of the month, I bought a new box of tampons to keep under the sink. It was one of those variety packages that includes different sizes (important for later).


Later that afternoon I went to grab one and noticed that 6 or 7 of the “light” tampons were already missing. What the hell? Then I realized Trixie had been going to the bathroom A LOT.

Being so aggressively petite and adorable, I guess she considered it beneath her to use regular tampons.

When we hung out the next day, she finished all of the light ones. I was wondering what she’d do when she approached me off to the side and asked if I had any more.

What a brat!

I quietly told her no, sorry, but she could always use a bigger size so she wouldn’t have to change them so often. She answered very loudly, looking right at Jared, “Oh, I can’t use those jumbo tampons like you, I’m way too tiny!”

What. The. Hell.

I guess she thought it would sound hot or something…

So what did I do?

I hid the entire box of tampons in his room and replaced it with a box of diaper-thick maxi pads that I only wear to bed.

The next time she went to the bathroom, she was in there a long time, probably searching for the tampons I’d moved.


When she finally came out wearing one of the diaper sized pads, she crinkled like a NEWSPAPER wherever she walked.

Jared, knowing full well, asked the room at large “What’s that sound?”

She left shortly afterward.

She also cold-shouldered me from then on, which was just an added bonus as far as I was concerned.

As a cherry on top of the cake, I heard through the grapevine that she’s gained at least 50 pounds since high school.

Hopefully she’s found a new personality trait or two!”

Now let’s see what people had to say on Reddit.

This person spoke up.

Another individual chimed in.

This person shared their thoughts.

There’s nothing worse than being embarrassed when you’re a teenager…

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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