
His Wife’s Nephew Kept Drinking His Sodas Without Asking, So He Tricked Him Into Drinking Something Gross So It Wouldn’t Happen Again

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Kids need to learn at a young age that they aren’t allowed to take things that don’t belong to them.

People go about those learning moments in different ways, and I think that this fella NAILED IT.

Check out what he did to the kiddo who kept stealing his sodas.

Keep stealing my soda, have some vinegar.

“This was many years ago before I married my wife.

She has a big family and with big families come many nephews and nieces.

There’s one nephew of hers, who was 6 years old, that loves to drink sodas and never asks for permission when he drinks from my fridge.

This didn’t sit well with him…

I was raised to ask for permission whenever we want to take something that doesn’t belong to us.

So one day while I was out at work, this little nephew drank the whole bottle of soda which I had in the fridge so when I get home from work, it was empty.

I was not pleased with it so I decided to fill a Sprite bottle with vinegar and leave it in the fridge.

Oh, baby!

A little while later, I heard the fridge open, looked over and saw the little nephew taking a sip from the bottle.

Saw his face changed but he kept mum about it. He sat beside his mother and the smell of vinegar caught the mother’s nose.

I got up, threw the bottle away and replaced it with the vinegar bottle. I told his mother that he just drank vinegar and everyone in the house was just laughing at him.

Now he asks for permission whenever he wants a drink.”

Here’s what people said on Reddit.

This person shared their thoughts.

Another individual chimed in.

This reader had a lot to say.

Did you enjoy your vinegar drink, young man?

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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