
A Lawyer Scammed Their Family, So They Wrote The Most Scathing Review Ever And It Went Viral

Source: Shutterstock

You never know what’s gonna go viral these days

And the person who wrote a 1-star review for a sketchy lawyer probably never imagined what would happen next.

Check out what he had to say in this story from Reddit!

Lawyer threatened to sue me for a 1-star review. Now his 1-star reviews are going viral.

“Lawyer scammed me and my family to the point where we’re seeking recourse in court.

Sounds like he deserved it…

I left the lawyer a 1-star review and the lawyer threatened to sue me for defamation (it was all true) if I didn’t remove that review.

It all backfired as I added that fact to my review.

Now, the lawyer is getting tons of upvotes on my review and random 1-star reviews harassing him from everywhere.

He even got a 1-star review from the Northwest Territories of Canada.

It didn’t go well for this guy…

They’re so secluded from the rest of Canada that I didn’t even know (in my naivety) that they spoke English up there.

The lawyer who did me wrong is now laughing stock.”

Now check out how Reddit users reacted.

This person has an idea…

Another reader weighed in.

This Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Another individual had a lot to say.

And this person spoke up.

Something good went viral for a change!

It doesn’t happen very often!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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