
A Staff Member Kept Gaming The System To Get Unearned Overtime Pay, So Her Boss Found Out And Required Her To Stay Late To Make Up For It

Source: Pexels/Darya Sannikova

It’s common for workers to find ways to circumvent a policy of their employer.

These actions can cost the company money and hurt staff morale, so it’s important to deal with them.

Fortunately for this manager, he found a solution that was easy and quick.

Employee kept claiming an extra 15 – 30 minutes of overtime so I adjusted her schedule.

I worked as a manager of a customer service place that stayed open till after midnight.

Occasionally, a shipment was late so the night person had to work later and claimed overtime.

He was frustrated to see how this staff member took advantage of the policy.

Unfortunately, one employee would have a coffee and visit and then clock out and claimed 30 minutes of overtime almost every night shift.

This shift had a half-hour lunch break at supper time, which most people preferred.

So I changed this one person’s shift to a one hour lunch break and moved the end of the shift 30 minutes later.

But she wasn’t a fan of these consequences.

This meant that when everyone else got to go home at 12:30 PM,  she had to stay until 1 PM every shift without any overtime.

She said that was against the collective agreement, but she’d never actually read it so I got to show here where I had the right to make the change.

After a few weeks she promised to stop claiming overtime if she could switch back to a 30 minute lunch break.

Here’s what people are saying.

I agree! It avoided confrontation, too.

I doubt it. If she wanted to contest it with them, she’d have to admit to committing fraud.

I’m sure a lot of posts here are biased, but does it matter?

Really? I don’t.

Maybe, but not a petty revenge one. There’s nothing petty about holding someone accountable for fraud.

Get a side hustle if you want extra money.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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