
Absurd Coworker Wanted This Girl To Bake Something For Another Coworker’s Grandma Shower, But She Refused. Now Her Colleagues Are Mad At Her For Not Participating.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/ Kampus Production

It’s fun to celebrate other people’s happiness, but things get tricky when people expect you to participate in unreasonable celebrations where it doesn’t even matter.

This girl was in a similar situation after her office decided to throw a “grandma shower”

Check out the full story!

AITA for refusing to participate in a “grandma shower” at my office?

Something about my workplace—remember the “party planning committee” in The Office?

Well, we basically have that.

The committee usually is responsible for buying everyone a cake & card on their birthday and we’ll have themed lunches every now and then—4th of July BBQ, International potluck for the Olympics, Cinco de Mayo tacos—you get the gist.

She used to bake often for her office guys.

Now, an important element of this story is the fact that I’ve always loved baking & am quite good at it.

So every time we have a themed lunch, I always bring a baked good that fits the theme.

It’s gotten to the point where people are always trying to guess what I’ll bring and are always super excited to see what I’ll do next.

She doesn’t mind the work!

Generally, I love it and have fun with it.

Until now.

About a week ago, my coworker announced she’s expecting a granddaughter in the fall.

An email went around and I sent congratulations.


They wanted to throw the most absurd party.

However, since then, the party planning committee has announced that we will be hosting a “grandma shower” for my coworker for lunch next week.

They’ve been circulating a sign up sheet for everyone to bring food as well as the baby registry and encouraging everyone to participate in a “diaper drive”.

Notably—I’ve never met my coworker’s daughter and thus seriously doubt I’d ever meet this baby girl.

She was expected to participate.

So far, there have been about six emails about this “shower”. I’ve been ignoring them all.

Then, today, one of my coworkers came into my office and asked why I hadn’t signed up to bring dessert yet?

Now, here’s where I may be TA.

I basically told her I wasn’t planning on baking something and didn’t think I was going to participate in the “shower”.

She wasn’t sure she wanted to go ahead with this one.

When asked why, I just said that tbh, I don’t know coworker’s daughter and didn’t really feel like getting someone I don’t know a present for a baby I’ll never meet.

My coworker made a face and said she understood but that “grandma” coworker might be disappointed.

On the one hand, I feel like maybe I’m TA and I could have just baked some brownies and called it a day to participate and not hurt anyone’s feelings.

She isn’t sure if she did the right thing by opting out.

But on the other hand, I find it absolutely ridiculous to host a “grandma shower” and expect people to bring gifts for a random baby.

I feel like I am right in standing on principle on this but at the same time I know I have some bias here.

She has her own baby problems.

For context, my husband and I have been trying to have a baby for years and we are currently undergoing IVF treatments so I know I’m a little sensitive about babies right now.

No one at work knows, so I know they’re not trying to be cruel.

But at the same time, being confronted with babies left and right is also extremely draining for me.

It feel like this woman already has enough on her plate.

Let’s find out if the Reddit community differs.

This person knows the idea of a grandma shower is bizarre!

Yup! This girl isn’t at fault for not wanting to pitch in.

This girl is a part of the cult herself!

Agreed! This one supports the girl for standing up.

Exactly! No one is a fan of forced events that don’t make sense!

Why can’t these office guys simply make it optional?

Not everyone feels like making an extra effort for strangers.

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