If you have an assigned parking spot, nobody else should park in your parking spot.
In today’s story, somebody dares to park in an assigned parking spot, and the person who is supposed to park there uses snow to get revenge.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
Take my parking spot? I will fill your car with snow.
This is my Dad’s story. It takes place in the early 1980s
Picture this: early 1980s the DC, Maryland, Virginia area (DMV) a blizzard dumps a historically high amount of snow (several feet).
His dad had to dig his car out of the snow.
My parents had just gotten married and lived in an apartment.
My father spends hours digging his car out so he could get to work the next Monday.
He gets home from work late and there is a car in his spot (assigned spot).
Dad got revenge by putting the snow in the car.
My dad is pissed because now he has to dig out another space, in the cold dark.
He notices the car was unlocked so with every shovel full he walks to the car opens the door and places the snow in the spot stealers car.
This took him a few hours went home and slept s like a baby.
Nobody complained, and Dad got his spot back.
The car was still there when he left for work the next morning.
When he got home that evening the original space was empty and that was that.
No neighbors complained or asked questions.
My Dad is the most gentle and kind man in the world but he also had 4 brothers so he doesn’t take bs.
The snow definitely seemed to teach his neighbor, whoever it was, a lesson.
Let’s see how Reddit responded…
This reader wonders what happened first…
Another reader shared how it could have been even worse for the spot stealer…
This reader shared another way the dad could’ve made it even worse.
This reader is wishing for a blizzard.
That was certainly effective revenge!
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.