
After Nosy Neighbors Complain About His Parking And Call The Police On Him, He Responds By Chalking Their Cars And Ending Up With The Best Spot In The Neighborhood

Source: Canva/Africa Images, Reddit/AITA

Parking disputes can turn even the friendliest of neighborhoods into battlegrounds.

When an overly demanding neighbor made one too many parking complaints, it led to a series of ironic twists involving a hoarder, a call to the police, and a package of chalk.

You’ll want to read on.

Neighbor called the cops on my car, now I mess with her at will.

I live on a cul-de-sac, so there is limited parking. Further, most spots are taken up by 6PM, as neighbors are home by then.

My car seems to rarely move, as I work from home, and I often ride my bike.

When I do take a drive to the gym or whatever, I park it back in my spot.

The people that go to work would think it probably never moves.

Their seemingly stationery car has caused many problems in the neighborhood.

My neighbor (we will call her neighbor 1) gets home after 11PM from work and always complains to me that my car is parked there, and wants me to park further down the street so she doesn’t have to walk too far when she gets home.

She tells my other neighbor (neighbor 2) all the time, and she has piled on with the complaints as well.

Neighbor 2 has a web of problems of their own.

Don’t get me started on how neighbor 2 (a 60-something lady who never brushes her hair and wears the same sweats every day) has a 3 car garage, with 3 spots in front of them, and can’t any of these 6 spots because they are all packed up like an episode of hoarders.

And worst of all, she’s been storing a truck on the street for months, taking up yet another spot, as does her two tenants that cant use the garages they should be able to use… because of the previously mentioned hoarders setup.

Neighbor 1 doesn’t know the full story of the author’s parking dilemmas.

What neighbor 1 doesn’t realize is that whenever I move, someone takes the spot.. because there is a lack of spots at this end.

So my moving over 5 spots doesn’t matter.

They used to be friendly with Neighbor 1 before their relationship went south.

I’m sure it was my bad for befriending neighbor 1 when I moved in.

I was very nice, blew the leaves off her walkway when I did mine, I even took her and her friends to a bar when their cab was late. So apparently she feels as if she can complain to me.

Once she complained to me about where I was parked.. so I moved it to where she asked. Another time she left a note on my window complaining.

Neighbor one also contributes plenty to the parking drama.

Recently neighbor 1 got engaged, so this new guy is always over, and parking illegally, which I think escalated her aggressiveness in regards to the parking situation.

But then one day, the situation escalated.

And about a week ago, she called the police.

I was woke up by a police officer knocking at my door.

He told me that there was a complaint about my car, and that I could only leave it parked there for 72 hours. This is a city ordinance.

The author happily complied.

Fair enough, and not a problem. I moved the car back to the only other open spot.. which is where she asked me not to park in the first place (sweet irony).

I noticed the police officer had chalked my tires to make sure I moved. (“Chalking tires” is when they put a mark on your tire to see if your vehicle has moved, in a spot they will remember. If you drive it, the chalk mark disappears.)

Their run-in with the police gave them a brilliant idea.

While I was washing my newly moved car that day, I decided that since they woke me up early, maybe I should make sure that both neighbor 1 and neighbor 2 moved.

So while I was no longer chalked, I walked over the the drug store and bought some street chalk. I chalked neighbor 1’s truck (which happened to have a great spot that day!) and neighbor 2’s stored truck.

Then I went to get a massage around 4pm, car all washed and waxed. Got back a little after 5pm.

Neighbor 2 had gotten themselves into trouble.

AAA was towing crazy neighbor 2’s white truck… I guess the battery was dead.

The ironic part here is that I have a full workshop for working on cars.

I would definitely be the neighbor that rushed over to help her jump start her truck in the past, as I have with others.

The chalk idea was working out swimmingly.

Neighbor 1 had to abandon her good, but now chalked spot, and ended up further than I had ever seen down the road.

I got the primo spot she had before. Irony.

When neighbor 2’s previously broken down truck returned a few days later from wherever she took it, it was parked in the best spot for neighbor 1’s house.

Then came the ironic conclusion.

And the result of all this?

My car is sitting right where she asked me to not park in the first place.

Oh, and since I now have a box of street chalk… I just chalked their cars again for fun today.

Neighbor 1 and 2 finally felt the sting of their incessant complaining.

The Reddit community chimes in with their thoughts.

Messing with your neighbor is even better with friends.

This confused redditor thought the story was headed in a different direction at first.

Sometimes the most difficult people are just bored people.

Sometimes the timing is just on your side.

Ultimately, the author’s car settled comfortably into the very spot they were once old to avoid.

This story is a masterclass in poetic justice.

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