
Evil Aunts Trick Grandpa Into His Signing Away His Home Right Before He Passed, But Now His Grandson Has A Plan To Evict Them From The Land Instead

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Binyamin Mellish

Scamming people is nasty work no matter how you slice it, but it takes a special type of creep to prey on the elderly, some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

When you see those email scams that target technologically illiterate seniors, it’s hard not to imagine your own grandparents falling victim to the same scheme.

So when this user’s aunts manipulated his dying grandpa into signing his home over to them, this user decided it was time to kick them off the property for good.

Was he wrong to evict his own family? Decide for yourself!

WIBTA For Evicting My Aunt’s Mobile Home From My Property

So I (37M) lost my Mom back in 2016 to cancer. At the time, my Mom owned a small piece of land that her father and his wife lived on.

In her will, the land was left to my Sister and I, with a life deed that said as long as her father or his wife were alive, they had a right to live on that land.

.As far as I’m concerned, his wife was more a grandma to me than my Mom’s mom ever was, so I will refer to her as Grandma here. My sister and I 100% support this.

When OP’s grandfather did pass, his family made the terrible day even more difficult to OP…

Last week, I get a call from my grandma’s daughter letting me know that my grandfather had died… 3 days prior.

Apparently, his daughters (my aunts T and J) had convinced Grandpa to sign over possession of his mobile home that he and his wife lived in on my property while he was in hospice.

When he died a couple days later, they immediately had him cremated with no service and intentionally did not let my sister or I know that he had passed.

They did the same thing when my Mom’s mother passed, so this wasn’t too unexpected from them.

But they didn’t just want the mobile home, they wanted the land!

However, I then found out they were trying to claim the land was theirs as well, and have served my grandma with an eviction notice… while she is in the hospital!

Eviction notice was just a letter they wrote and signed.

They also almost emptied my grandfather’s and grandmother’s joint banking accounts, and may have had him sign over his life insurance policy.

This last part I am not 100% certain about as I haven’t seen documents on this, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

And as morally corrupt as it was, OP didn’t have any legal recourse to take for his grandparents’ mobile home…

As sleazy as it is, I don’t know if I can legally get the signing of the mobile home reversed.

I went down over the weekend and took photos of the property when I found not only did they post no trespassing signs on my property.

Not the mobile home, but the land itself; and a for sale sign for the mobile home and land.

While he could have let the mobile home go, taking ownership of his property was a step too far.

This thoroughly enraged me.

When I called the police, I was told they would not intervene as this was a civil matter and needed to be dealt with by the courts.

So I took down the for sale sign, went home, and typed up my own eviction letter, and posted it to the trailer.

Basically stated that with a change in ownership of the mobile home, it was now illegally parked on my property, and that it needed to be removed immediately.

But that wasn’t all OP was demanding…

I also stated that my aunt J who is now the owner of said mobile home would not only be responsible for the costs of removing the trailer.

They would also pay for repairs to the property as well caused by the trailer (resodding the yard under where it sits).

Had they tried to simply claim my land was theirs, I would have only gone to court and defended my ownership of the property.

OP said he could deal with a slight to him, but he couldn’t let his Grandma be cheated like this.

But they instead are screwing over my grandma!

I’m very angry right now, so I ask reddit to judge me and let me know if I’m in the right or in the wrong…

WIBTA for filing a motion with the court to stop them from selling the trailer while it is on my land and forcing them to remove it at their cost?

So not only did these leeches steal OP’s property, they also took advantage of their father in his final days on this Earth, and kept OP and his sister from seeing him.

Reddit said that these criminals weren’t just guilty of theft, but of some blatantly obvious elder abuse.

This user agreed, advising OP find himself a lawyer ASAP.

Another user thought that it seemed like they were taking every step to try and cover up their abuse.

Finally, this user watched his uncle do something similar to their own grandparents, and seconded the advice to get a lawyer.

Taking advantage of the elderly takes a special type of evil.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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