
Family Feud Over Shared Road Sign Results In One Relative’s Grand Entrapment Plan

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Janusz Walczak

Family feuds aren’t just for the Hatfields and the McCoys.

Read this Reddit post about how a modern-day family sought revenge on their relatives by getting a little dirty.

The details are below!

Family Driveway Turmoil

My family resides in one of those rural areas, where lots of land has been passed down and split up between relatives for many generations.

Imagine growing up on a road, not only named after your family, but more than half of your family resides at some point on said road.

Wow, so if you don’t get along…that can be awkward…

Naturally, this leads to some drama every decade or so.

In more recent years, there was a dispute over a road sign being placed on said road, causing different branches of the family to begin to hate and act petty against one another.

While I was not directly effected by said drama, I could not help but participate to help piss of the other side of the family, mostly due to them being jerks to my brother.

My family can be very old school and if someone messes with your siblings, you take their side.

Now, we’re choosing sides? So much for the fun block parties!

This war went on for years, with family complaining about family to the township, State Police and so on.

These complaints came from “Side A” as we will call it, and my side, “Side B” really just laughed off their efforts and tried to antagonize Side A through various annoying means, all of which were legal.

That is where my part in this story comes along.

Our road is half public, half private, with Side A living on the public side and Side B living on the private side.

Naturally, anything we did would piss off Side A, but one thing that really irked them, was if I drove over 10 MPH on the road.

Being a legal road, the speed limit was 25, which was the speed I chose to go.

On a dirt road in the summer, you can imagine that how much dust rose up, constantly making their houses be surrounded by a dust bomb.

Oh, I’m sure Side A was thrilled…

Their answer to my fast driving and dust clouds were to pull onto our private road and peel out, spewing rocks and dust and all that.

While I did not care that they did this (Side B is not easily bothered), I saw my opportunity to mess with them in a way that they could get in legal trouble.

Ok, now, this has escalated!

One day, when they were outside, I made sure to drive by super fast and raise as much dirt as possible…this was right at dusk.

Once I hit my part of the driveway, I backed into a small garage and shut my headlights off…and waited.

Low and behold, Side A pulls in and backs into our road and was about to peel out, but I turned on my headlights, blinded them and blocked them in on our private road, right under our no trespassing signs.

Since we live in the middle of the woods, they really had no where to go and were stuck under my mercy.

I proceeded to take pictures and call the State Police about trespassers in our driveway.

Wow, this took some serious planning.

That day, they got slapped with warnings to leave Side B alone and not trespass, had everything that happened documented, and so on.

So essentially, all their complaints were bullshit, we irked them enough to do something stupid enough to get them in actual trouble. It was grand.

Side A called and tried to apologize and settle the feud after that. It was a glorious day for Side B.

Is it still considered a family reunion if you’re framing them with a crime??

Let’s see what Reddit thinks of this family feud.

One Redditor called the them an instigator.

Another user noted the waste of time.

Another reader congratulated the them.

And finally, a commenter mentioned the road’s transformation.

This family feud is showcasing pettiness at its absolute finest.

I guess that’s the way it goes sometimes.

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