
Her Fiancé Keeps Getting Woken Up Early By His Mom, So He Starts Returning The Favor By Coming Into Her Room At 2 A.M. And Telling Her About His Day

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Pixabay

Sleep schedules can be tricky to balance, especially when people in the same household have drastically different routines.

What would you do if someone in your home constantly woke you up despite knowing how late you worked? Would you try to adjust? Or would you turn the tables around on them?

In the following story, a young man finds himself in this very predicament with his mother. Here’s how it all played out.

Don’t let my fiancé sleep, then you don’t get to sleep either.

So my Fiancé (25m) and his mom, who I’ll call Jolene (61f), are on different work schedules.

My fiancé works 10-hour shifts 5 days a week from 3pm-1am, sometimes even later, and Jolene works part-time 2 days a week from 9am-3pm because she recently had a knee replacement.

My fiancé always seems to get woken up by her at 7am because she wants to see him and let him know what’s happening that day.

He turns it around on her.

She is just loud in general in the morning and completely disregards the fact that he probably didn’t get home until 2am.

So, in return, whenever my fiancé comes home at 2am, he goes into her room to wake her up, tells her all about his day and work, bothers her, and just generally interrupts her sleep as she does to him.

She still hasn’t caught on yet to what he’s doing, though.

Aww. As a mother, she probably doesn’t mind at all.

Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit feel about this situation.

This husband wanted his wife to wake him after work.

Here’s someone who used to work night shifts.

According to this person, the mom won’t get it unless it’s kicked up a few notches.

Everything about this is so true!

Communication is always key. Rather than be so passive-aggressive, he should just talk to his mother and let her know it bothers him.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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