
Girl Corrects Her Half-Siblings Whenever They Say That They Have The Same Dad, But Her Mom Tells Her To Drop It And Stop “Bullying” Them

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Young children can be innocent about family relationships.

They often believe that everyone in the same household belongs to the same family.

This girl who has a different dad from her half-siblings constantly corrects them whenever they say that they have the same dad.

However, her mom tells her to stop correcting them and that she’s bullying them whenever she does it.

Read the full story below.

AITA for correcting my half-siblings when they say their dad is my dad too?

My (16f) parents are divorced.

I was 3 when their marriage ended.

They share 50-50 custody of me.

This girl has a complicated family situation.

For as long as I can remember, my mom has always blamed my dad for it and said he cheated.

My dad never said anything.

He refuses to badmouth my mom. But I know he really dislikes her.

She likes her dad more than her mom.

My grandma (dad’s mom) told me mom was the one who cheated, and she’s the one who even got pregnant with someone else’s child, and had an abortion to try and conceal it.

She said dad had asked her directly, and suddenly, she was no longer pregnant (this was after me).

I can’t know the truth obviously. But I lean more in favor of my dad.

She has half siblings who think that they all have the same dad.

The reason? My mom remarried when I was like 5, and she has tried so many times to push dad out and get her new husband in.

She has lied to the kids she has with her husband, and told them he’s our dad, and when I go for a week, it’s to some “uncle” whom I mistakenly think my dad.

So I have half siblings who’ll refer to my mom’s husband as “our dad,” and they’ll step in to correct me when I call him by his first name.

I usually end up correcting them, and around and around we go.

She doesn’t like it when her mom and stepdad berate her dad.

I dislike my mom’s husband.

I think he really wants me to accept him and let him take over from dad, but he never stops to listen when I say I love my dad.

It upsets me when they talk crap about him.

He always tells me I should have him instead of dad at Father’s Day activities.

Her stepdad demands that she goes with him instead of her real dad.

This was worse when I was younger and that stuff was more there.

He’d always try to get me to go to Father/Daughter dances with them (including purity ones which eww).

And he’d get annoyed when I’d say no.

He’d tell me he puts so much work into me, and I should return the effort.

Her dad wants full custody of her but the judge won’t let them.

My dad tried to get custody from the judge at my request.

We were in court literally weeks ago, but the judge said I need to continue 50/50 until I’m 18, and if either parent attempts to prevent that, then the other will get full custody of me.

So I’m stuck here.

And my half-siblings, the older they get, the more annoying they are about correcting me, and then I correct them too.

She continues to correct her half-siblings, but her mom tells her to stop doing that.

I told them the other day that their dad isn’t my dad, and I don’t even like their dad or love their dad.

My mom heard this, and she told me I need to stop correcting them, and they just love me so much, they want me to be their full sister.

She said I’m being a bully to them correcting them all the time.


Whoa! Some family drama right here.

Let’s find out what other people have to say.

Here’s a good point from this user.

Keep correcting them, says this one.

This one shares a great response, too.

We’re getting lots of NTAs.

Finally, here’s some meaningful advice.

Stand firm and keep telling them the truth, girl.

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