
He Called The Cops Because His Neighbors Asked Him To, But The Aftermath Led To Petty Revenge In The Form Of Creative Landscaping

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Unsplash/Andres Siimon

Annoying neighbors?

Take a cue from this Reddit story and get back in the most subtly annoying way possible.

I mean, if you can’t get along, at least you can have an interesting yard.

Weird lawn patterns

So my neighbors are mad at me.

And they have no good reason to be.

Most likely because I called the cops on them while they were having a screaming argument that I could hear through the shared wall.

In my defense, I’d heard them several (read that as at least once a week) times before and I’d never done anything, but this time I heard one of them scream “somebody call 911!”

So I did. They’ve been quiet since.

He was just following instructions, it would seem. But they didn’t seem to appreciate that.

Now to the revenge.

Our houses share a wall and a strip of lawn between us. It’s not very wide, so whenever one of us is mowing the grass, normally we just mow the whole strip, since it only takes about 10 minutes.

Since the whole cop calling debacle, they’ve only mowed their “half” of the strip.

Which, fine, whatever.

They attempted their way of petty revenge, but he did one better.

If they want to be petty, I can be pettier, after all, I put up with their screaming matches for a long time.

So, if they mow vertical, I go horizontal (or vice versa).

The resulting mismatch of patterns in the grass is quite bizarre to look at.

It’s extremely petty, because I know the neighbors like everything to look nice and neat, and I know that the mismatch lawn stripes drive them crazy.

Pretty creative thinking.

Let’s see what Reddit thinks about his unique landscaping tactic.

Top comment wants to increase the chaos and leave some messages, too.

Another commenter has some devilishly good ideas for upping the author’s game.

The petty sarcasm from this comment is top tier.

Our author is a true inspiration.

Petty is as petty does!

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