
He Did Exactly What His Manager Asked, But Didn’t Do What Had Been Implied, So HR Couldn’t Doing Anything About It

Source: Pexels/Christina Morillo

Good communication requires clear instructions and questions to save time and avoid giving a loophole.

It seems the manager in this story does not know this.

Check out how this made a work meeting pretty frustrating.

Following the process

During a meeting about a problem that came up, one of the HR people asked the mechanic:

“What do you have to say for yourself? You knew the rules and didn’t follow them?”

It seemed things were going well.

“Yes,” replied the mechanic. “I know it was wrong and I am sorry for breaking the rules.”

The HR person looked stunned and said, so why did you say earlier you did not?

But this employee had a trick up his sleeve.

“I never did” said the mechanic.

“At no point did he (my manager) ask me if I had done it. He only said that he had to follow the process” (which he had done).

Here is what people are saying.

Some people benefit from their managers being bad communicators.

Haha I like this metaphor.

It pays to understand policy and know what to say.

This sounds so annoying. Where is their Communications Manager?!

It made me laugh that no one responded to this. It’s just a communication issue.

I bet his manager had a drink that night.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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