
He Found Out A Roommate Was Stealing From Him And His Girlfriend, So He Returned The Favor

Source: Reddit

Nobody likes a thief…

And, if there are any kids out there reading this: if you steal, you will get caught eventually in some way, shape, or form.

Okay, now that we have today’s life lesson out of the way, enjoy this story from Reddit!

Steal from me, now I steal my money back from you.

“Years ago, it was myself and a roommate (both males) living in a small house, we were both dating and our respective partners (both females) who were also living with us, rent was to be split 4 ways because that’s fair for everybody.

For the sake of this story here are the names to help keep everyone on track, then we will proceed;

Me, Roommate, Cow (roommate’s GF) GF (my partner at the time) AB (annoying baby from the Cow).

This sounds annoying…

My GF and I were both in our final stages (2 years left) of college going to school full time and working 30+ hours a week, my roommate worked full time and the Cow did absolutely nothing to contribute to society and stayed home all day with her baby and smoked all day.

Our home was outfitted with loads of security cameras that would record everything and after 7 days it would delete. The security system setup was in my room and I was the only one who knew how to operate it (we lived in a decent neighborhood but still had issues with crime).

My frustrations begin when I would come home from working and going to school and trying to study late at night while AB would scream and cry throughout all hours of the night, making it quite challenging for me to stay sane.

We also had issues of our vehicles being broken into and vandalized.

Oh, man…

One day when I was going through the security cameras I noticed the Cow and this random guy going through my GF’s car and taking things from her purse, this ***** was unlocking our cars and stealing our stuff in the driveway.

She never came clean and even though I told my roommate and showed him footage we never got anything back, had to get new licenses, card numbers, etc.

A few weeks go by and my GF and I begin taking our belongings out of our cars and putting them in our room, things would just randomly disappear money, jewelry, valuable ect, but nobody would be home except for the Cow when these things magically wondered off.

My GF and I had been pushed to our breaking point after 3-4 months, and we could see this Cow was the root of the problems. While everyone else was away her and this sketchy random guy would be stealing from right under our noses (cops could never do anything because since she was also renting and allowed this guy into the home, there were no cameras inside and therefore no proof it was either of them).

A ha!

On the day my GF and I moved out I was so ticked off and mad that I went into the cows room –she had left somewhere, I made sure to cut all the cameras so nothing could be traced, I ended up finding some pieces of the taken jewelry, about 2,000 worth of cash, my GF’s missing wallet and I’m not proud but this set me off, now having found all the evidence.

So what any calculated person would do instead of simply taking it I ransacked this cows room, yanked drawers out, through clothes everywhere, flipped the mattress and broke her lampshade, then I cluttered up the living room and my GF and I just walked out of the house leaving both front and back doors wide open so that it looked like a robbery.

Later that evening we get a call from the police that they want to question us. We come down, the cow is furious and uncontrollable yelling it was us and she knows it was etc, but we politely tell the officer that we no longer lived there.

They are welcome to check our wallets but it wasn’t us and we’ve actually had numerous issues before at this address if they would like to check the various complaints we had filed.

I said since we no longer lived there to ask the girl if by chance she left the house unlocked (which she did), and I informed the officer maybe someone broke in, OH WAIT!!!!

We used to live here and there’s actually a security system and cameras maybe they can ask the cow to show them the cameras, obviously she couldn’t and didn’t know how to work anything, they come back out and ask me if I can work it.

So I’m escorted into the home, I tinker with it, make it look like it’s not super easy and then let them know that there’s nothing, someone must have cut the power off or something after we left, I can turn it on but nothing was recorded unfortunately.

The officers thanked us for our time, chalked it up to breaking and entering with no suspects and nothing more was ever heard from the cow and we went on to have peaceful living arrangements elsewhere!”

Here’s what Reddit users had to say.

This reader weighed in.

Another reader chimed in.

This Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Another person asked a question.

How do you like them apples?!?!

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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