
Her Creepy, Smelly Boss Made A Pass At Her, But She Recorded His Antics On Her Phone And Ruined His Career

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@jkakaroto

Prepare to be grossed out, readers…

Because the boss you’re going to read about in just a minute is a real creep!

But he got what was coming to him in the end…

Get all the details below!

Smelly Creepy Boss gets what’s coming.

This was about five years ago when I (21 at the time) was working at a major bank in a position that had me making calls and verifying credit card activity.

We were expected to make 8 calls per hour, assuming most calls will probably go to voicemail.

It was mindless, but I still ended up being a high performer and making easily 11-12 calls per hour.

Things were going well.

My boss (let’s call him Cole) loved me!

He started having me train newcomers and brought me to lunch with some up and coming managers.

This was a big deal to my career, so when he started flirting with me I mostly brushed it off and went on with my day, creating new materials, helping colleagues with random questions, and still making a huge amount of calls.

Cole and I were both being recognized for the teams efforts.


Then, he brought me to his office, which STINKS.

It’s not a smell I’ve ever smelled before and haven’t since, but needless to say, it’s a smelly smell that smells … smelly.

Like an old pair of wet socks that were wrung out onto the carpet?

On this particular stinky day, Cole asks me to close the door behind him and gives me this smile that still gives me chills.

He starts to unbutton his shirt saying it’s hot in there, oh isn’t it hot?

Uhhh, no.

You should get undressed too.

I stormed out.

Hell no was I dealing with that.

I went through a bit of a depression and immediately looked for other jobs, contributing less and less every day until I wasn’t speaking to any colleagues (except the dope ones who knew what was happening).

Here’s where malicious compliance comes in.

She had a plan.

Every hour I would spend 20-40 minutes making 8 calls, and then turning off my computer and started playing crosswords, or drawing pictures, or using my phone in the bathroom until the hour was up.

Cole noticed very quickly that I was doing the absolute bare minimum and called me into a meeting.

I willed myself to go without calling HR and he was threatening to write me up for my bad moods and not working hard enough.

I looked him in the eyes and asked if he thought it was hot in here?

And he immediately starts bursting into excuses – “oh you’re misinterpreting things” and the like.

I told him I wasn’t misinterpreting anything and he snaps back that I am losing out on an excellent opportunity.


I pull out my phone and stop recording.

Thank him for his time, see the red fall out of his face, and then continue on what I’m doing for the next month while I found a new job in the company.

From what I know he quit shortly thereafter and doesn’t have a Facebook or LinkedIn to show where he is currently.

I have no plans to release the recording but still have it just in case.

Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this.

One reader made a reference to The Office.

Another person was impressed.

This Reddit user chimed in.

Another individual asked a question…

I don’t think he’ll be doing that anymore…

At least, I wouldn’t be.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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