
Her Insensitive Friend Thought Her Wedding Was More Important Than A Family Emergency, And Their Disagreement Over Loyalties Has Caused Their Friendship To Go Cold

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Liza Summer

Life is really all about priorities and sometimes, some people close to us fail to understand that.

This girl wanted to spend more time with her family when they needed her but her friend hated the idea that she would be skipping her wedding.

Now both of them hold their grudges against each other and things are rather twisted.

Check out the full story.

AITA for disengaging with my friend after she was upset I can’t make her wedding due to a family emergency

I’m (30F) meant to be a bridesmaid for my friend (33F) next week, but a very close family member has fallen seriously ill so I’m having to immediately go to support them and my other family members.

She understands what weddings can be like.

I’m very aware wedding planning is stressful, and this wedding has been no exception, although it’s now been organized as a much smaller event (I was meant to be one of only a few attendees).

I let her know as soon as I could that whilst I would try my hardest to be there for her on the day, as I know her wedding means a lot to her.

I have been very involved in planning/organizing and am meant to play a significant role, I just couldn’t commit at this stage given the serious nature of what my family are going through.

She tried communicating to her friend about the emergency.

I called her as soon as I could to let her know as gently as possible, and to assure her I would do everything I could to make it.

I just had to let her know that there is a chance I can’t make it because my family member is currently in hospital and I wanted to give her time to have a back up plan, and she just hung up the phone.

Today she messaged me.

The friend couldn’t care less.

She hasn’t asked if I’m ok and she’s effectively uninvited me from the wedding as she says she can’t deal with the uncertainty.

She used the opportunity to tell me that it was my fault that she reacted as she did and went on to say we needed space from each other.

She then wanted to know if I’m still planning to come to her after-party which is a few days later.

She simply wanted to hear a few comforting words.

Am I being unreasonable that I would have expected at least a little support?

I’ve been made to feel like I’m entirely at fault for ruining her day at the last minute.

I’m also at fault for my wording apparently, even though I was just dealing with the shocking news my family member almost died, and have been assured by others that actually I communicated very thoughtfully given the circumstances.

The friend never got back to her!

She hasn’t apologized, she hasn’t offered any support or condolences… Is she even my friend?

I’m really struggling.

Currently I am simply not replying as I don’t have the capacity to respond with any grace right now.

She can’t help but wonder if they are true friends.

AITA if I cannot respond to my friend who is treating me as I’m actively trying to ruin her wedding, even though I have tried to support her despite also dealing with a family emergency and some of the worst days of my life?

It might hurt to realize you don’t have a true friend.

Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this story.

This person wishes the dad all the health and comments on how mean the friend is.

Yes! It’s sad this girl has to go through so much!

That’s right! This girl asked herself an important question.

Bitter truth but truth indeed. This person knows life can be unexpected.

This person feels sorry for the girl and her dad.

It’s sad but life can’t always work as planned!

And this friend really needs to understand that.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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