
Her Neighbor Encourages Her Dog To Dump On Her Porch, So She Made Her Think That If It Happens Again, She May Lose Her Dog For Good

Source: Pexels/Svetozar Milashevich

Some dog owners don’t pick up after their dog and it’s so annoying and gross.

The dog owner in this story takes it a few steps further.

See her neighbor put a stop to it really fast.

I don’t think my neighbor would let her dog poop on my porch again…

Apparently, my neighbor’s dog’s designated place to poop is on my porch.

I wouldn’t care if he was a little considerate and cleaned after her dog finished.

Her neighbor has a lot of nerve.

But she puts him off leash and pretends that she doesn’t know what the dog is doing.

My boyfriend got to my house just at the time that my neighbor was unpacking some stuff from her car on the other side of the parking lot (which is divided by a wall).

Making sure she was able to listen to me, I started telling my bf that I have seen a dog in my porch several times and that it didn’t have a collar so I believed that he must be stray.

But she knows exactly what to do about it.

Then I said I had decided I should eat the dog since it was culturally accepted in my country to eat them if they don’t have an owner.

I graphically described which method of preparation I should use and what ingredients I needed to add.

I don’t see her dog around anymore.

Here’s what folks are saying.

Well there’s a twist.

I appreciate passion… But no.

But what if someone else steps in it?

It’s true. They work hard at being lazy and unkind.

It’s true. My dog has no idea how good he has it.

Poor dogs have to put up with owners like this.

They’re the ones who are really suffering.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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