
Her Parents Invited Her Thieving Brother After He Stole $25,000 From Her, So She Refused To Come To The Party At All

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/RDNE Stock project

Some people can be so disappointing but it’s a different kind of pain when those people are family!

This girl was betrayed by her brother over money and things never got fixed between them ever since.

Find out how that quarrel ruined her parent’s anniversary party.

AITA for telling my parents I won’t attend their 30th anniversary party if they invite my estranged brother?

I (27F) have been estranged from my older brother, Mark (33M), for the past five years.

We used to be close growing up, but our relationship deteriorated when he stole a significant amount of money from me( 25 000$).

Her brother lured her into giving him a huge amount.

Without going into too much detail, Mark was going through a rough patch and convinced me to lend him a large sum of money, which he promised to pay back within a year.

I agreed because he was family, and I trusted him. But he never paid me back.

When I finally confronted him about it, he blew up at me, calling me selfish and accusing me of not caring about his struggles.

Things got bitter between the two.

It turned into a huge fight, and we haven’t spoken since.

My parents tried to mediate, but Mark refused to apologize or even acknowledge that he did anything wrong.

They’ve been stuck in the middle ever since, and it’s put a strain on our family.

Fast forward to now, my parents are planning a big celebration for their 30th wedding anniversary and they’ve invited both me and Mark.

She wasn’t expecting him to be there at all!

When I saw the whatsapp group I was shocked to see that Mark was included.

I called my parents to talk about it, and they told me they’re hoping this party could be an opportunity for us to reconcile.

They think enough time has passed and that we should stop ” acting like kids ” as my mother said

I was really upset by this.

She tried talking to her parents but it didn’t work.

I explained to them that I’m still hurt by what Mark did and that I’m not ready to be in the same room as him, let alone celebrate with him.

I told them that if Mark is going to be there, I won’t be attending.

My parents were disappointed and tried to convince me to reconsider, saying that family is more important than money and that holding onto grudges wont do anyone any good.

They wanted both their children to be there!

They said it would break their hearts if one of us wasn’t at their anniversary party.

Since then, my parents have been distant with me, and I can tell they’re hurt.

I don’t want to cause them any more pain, but I also don’t want to be forced into a situation where I have to pretend everything is fine with Mark when it’s not.

Her friends have divided opinions on the scenario.

My friends are divided on this—some think I’m right to stand my ground, while others think I’m being too stubborn and should go for the sake of my parents.

AITA for refusing to attend my parents 30th anniversary party if they invite my estranged brother?

She really wants to do the right thing!

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This person shares how invites work and they make sense!

This person thinks there might be a way to work around the situation.

This user thinks its the parent’s fault to force this situation onto their children.

That might show the parents how bad things are!

That hurts but this user is right.

That’s a painful situation but maybe these siblings can find a way to be civil in a room.

Or maybe not.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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