
Her Stepmom Wants Her To Babysit Instead Of Joining School Clubs, But Her Mom Tells Her To Join Anyway And Live Her Own Life

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Pixabay

Getting a good education is important, and part of a well-rounded education can include joining school clubs.

In today’s story, one teen wants to join multiple school clubs, but her step-mother is hoping she’ll only join one so she can help out at home.

That’s causing conflict between the girl’s mom and her stepmom.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

AITA for telling my child’s stepmother to grow up and stop asking a teenager for support?

I (39F) have two children, Kimmy, (14F) and (9M) and share custody with their father, Dave.

Kimmy is starting high school soon and her school sent a list of their extracurriculars.

I want my children to be academically inclined and join clubs to meet people.

I told Kimmy to pick some clubs, and as of right now she picked out 10 (which we are definitely going to shorten down).

Kimmy’s stepmom called her about the clubs.

Kimmy sent a list of clubs to her father so he could help her.

He didn’t respond and instead, I got a call from Dave’s wife, Amy, a little later.

Amy asked me if Kimmy was really going to join all of those clubs, and I said not all but probably some of them.

Amy wants Kimmy to babysit instead of joining school clubs.

Amy followed by asking if Kimmy could only join one of the clubs on her list, which confused me.

I asked why.

Amy explained that she has to go to work soon, and she really needs someone to take care of her kids.

She was hoping that Kimmy would be able to go to their house straight after school and take care of them.

She doesn’t want Kimmy to babysit Amy’s kids.

Amy has 3 kids under 13, and recently had a baby with Dave.

Kimmy has ADHD which makes it hard for her to care for her own needs.

I already feel extremely uncomfortable leaving her with 4 kids that young unattended.

Amy didn’t even mention transportation and how Kimmy would get there.

I told her no.

She said “no” multiple times.

This upset Amy.

She told me that Kimmy is a part of her family too, and as a family they all need to chip in and according to her, Kimmy should chip in by babysitting.

She ranted on, giving me a sob story as to how she was struggling already with Dave working, how hard it was to be mom to 4 kids who depend on her so much, and how expensive childcare was nowadays.

I told her no, and why I was uncomfortable, to which she just reiterated her story (this happened twice).

By this time, I said no 3 times and she was still asking.

I thought it was clear that no meant no, not no and ask again later.

She is wondering if she was too harsh.

I interrupted her and told her no is my final answer and she’s honestly pathetic to ask a 14-year-old for support and it sounds she needs to grow up instead of relying on children to pick up her slack.

As you would expect, Amy and Dave are upset at me, which I don’t really mind.

My only issue is that when I told my sister, she thought I was being cruel which is making me rethink things.


I wonder what Kimmy thinks about all of this.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader thinks she needs to go to court.

Another reader is on her side.

This person points out that Amy having too many kids is not Kimmy’s problem.

This person thinks Kimmy shouldn’t have to babysit unless she wants to.

Here’s another vote for it being ridiculous to expect Kimmy to babysit.

It sounds like Amy needs to hire a babysitter.

One with a lot more experience than a high school freshman.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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