
His Little Brother Wouldn’t Stop Stealing His Things, So He Waited Until He Took A Shower And Hid All His Clothes From Him

Source: Reddit

How do you deal with a thief who also happens to be your little brother?

Hmmm, that’s a good question…but we think this guy did a pretty commendable job!

Check out what he had to say in this story from Reddit.

Younger brother kept stealing from my room, so I returned the favor.

“So many years ago when I was a college freshman (18m at the time), my younger brother (12m at the time) would constantly take things from my room.

This little jerk wouldn’t listen.

Pretty typical behavior, but I would always tell him to just ask and I probably wouldn’t have a problem with it. However, he was notorious for not returning it and for tearing it up. It was bad when I lived at home, but it got worse after I left for college.

I came home for Thanksgiving break and noticed several of my things missing. I went into his room and there they were. I told little bro to stop and if he wanted something from my room to just call and ask first. I also warned him that if he kept it up, there would be a reaction.

It never ends…

When I came home after for Christmas, more stuff had gone missing. Since experience is sometimes the best teacher, i decided to reciprocate.

While little bro was still at school, i went into his room and removed all of his clothes and hid them. To be fair, i just stuck them in the hall closet right outside his room.

Later that night about 8:30 or so he was taking a shower and then all of a sudden i hear a “What the heck. Where are all my clothes.”

He comes down to the living room with just a towel freaking out because he can’t find any clothes.

Told ya so!

I casually mention that i had warned him before and i had taken ALL of his clothes.

He starts screaming and freaking out and then turns to my parents to side with him and make me tell him where his clothes were.

Unfortunately, my parents were pretty much in stitches and did not rally to his cause.

Eventually, I reunited him with both his under and over garments and warned him that next time he would have to find them on his own if he continued to take my stuff.

After that he started asking to use my stuff and i like to think that i helped save him from a life of degeneracy and misery.

He’s now an orthopedic surgeon and i’m pretty proud of him.

You’re welcome, people of the world. Feel free to mail me my Nobel Peace Prize!”

Here’s how folks reacted.

This person was impressed.

Another individual weighed in.

This person offered some advice.

This Reddit gave the parents a big WIN.

And this person had a lot to say.

It’s a fact of life…

Younger siblings need to learn life lessons from time to time.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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