
His Son Went To A Sleepover At A Friend’s House, But The Friend’s Mother Sent Him Home When He Talked About His Non-Traditional Birth

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

In today’s story, one teen’s question leads to his friend getting kicked out of his home.

Unfortunately, all the friend did was tell the truth.

Let’s see why the friend’s mom kicked him out…

AITA for let my son talking about his origin?

I (39M) and my husband (40M) are a gay couple.

This is relevant because our son (15m) is a “test tube” (born due to in vitro fertilization) baby, which is unfortunately related to the story.

My husband and I have taught him since he was a little kid that he doesn’t have to be ashamed of this, it’s completely normal that he has two fathers.

After a while, this “test tube” thing became a running joke in our household.

His son’s sleepover at a friend’s house didn’t go well.

A few weeks ago, he had a sleepover at a close friend’s house.

After a few hours, the friend’s mother called me desperately to go get my son.

I thought something there was an emergency.

When I got there, the woman started screaming that my son is teaching her child bad things, has a bad influence on him, is teaching him to sin, etc.

His son is not welcome back at the friend’s house.

It turned out that my son’s friend asked him how he had two fathers, and my son explained to him, and the mother heard this.

The bottom line is that now my family is no longer welcome in her house or near her children.

He wonders if he should’ve told his son not to talk about being a test tube baby.

I didn’t apologize and neither did my son, because it wasn’t his fault (in my opinion and in my partner’s opinion).

However, when I told some acquaintances, they said that our child should have been forbidden to explain the test tube baby thing to others because it could make them uncomfortable.

So Aita that i let him talked about this?

That definitely sounds like a disappointing way for a sleepover to end!

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

Another reader agrees that his son didn’t say anything inappropriate.

This person thinks the mom wasn’t actually concerned about IVF.

This reader called the friend’s mom “stupid.”

Another reader feels that the friend’s mom is the one who was wrong.

It seems like the mother overreacted.

Or she’s just a bigot.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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