
His Wife’s Friend Apologized For A “Virgo Moment” On Her Birthday, But He Insulted And Debated Her Instead Of Accepting

Source: Pexels/Ylanite Koppens

When you strongly dislike or disagree with someone, it can be hard to hold your tongue.

Eventually, something usually pushes you over the edge.

In this case, it was an offhand comment at a birthday party that tipped the scales.

Check out the resulting drama.

AITA for ruining dinner by calling my wife’s friend’s ‘virgo moment’ a tantrum?

My wife’s oldest friend’s birthday was yesterday and so their friend group threw her a birthday dinner at a restaurant.

I don’t like this woman, largely because she attributes everything to her star sign: virgo.

He got an urge and he indulged it.

For example, she got flustered after she got the wrong dessert. Then she apologized for her “virgo moment.”

So I muttered under my breath, “You mean a tantrum.”

She asked me to repeat myself and then asked what I meant by that.

I explained there’s no such thing as a virgo moment and she was just an adult having a tantrum.

But the tension didn’t end there.

We argued and then there was an awkward silence.

It killed the mood and we all left early.

I don’t think calling it a tantrum was wrong because it is one, but choosing to speak up at her birthday dinner is probably where I dropped the ball and ****** up.

Here’s what people are saying.

Very bad form, I’d say.

That’s a good point. Why be there if you hate her?

Some people noted his hypocrisy.

You can’t recover a night after that.

I don’t get why anyone thinks stars determine their personality.

I wonder what he would be like at her wedding.

I doubt he’ll have to worry about it.

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