
Homeowner’s Neighbor Takes Up Too Much Space In Their Shared Driveway, So He Thinks Two Can Play At That Game

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Neighbors can be your best grill mates or the people who make you install extra security cameras, and pretty much anywhere in between.

This guy has to share a driveway with his, and the way they choose to park in it is really making parking his own car a struggle.

Find out how he is silently exacting revenge, and making their lives a little harder in the process.

Details below!

My neighbor takes up a lot of space in our shared driveway, so do I.

So the house I own shares a split garage and a driveway with the house next to me.

My house is brown, theirs is white. While I was looking for a house the white house went up for sale before the brown house.

I looked at both, so when I first got to the brown house, I knew the set up.

The garage has two single-car doors and a dividing wall that goes down the middle of it. Neither of us park in the garage as the cement is uneven.

The neighbors are struggling a bit with the driveway’s odd shape.

Our driveway is in a bit of a Y shape, where only one car can get out or in at a time, but if you are up by the driveway, you can fit two cars comfortably side by side.

The problem is that my neighbors park far enough down the driveway that it makes backing in a huge pain. They have done this since the start.

They moved into the white house a few months before I moved into the brown. I guess they got a little too comfortable having the whole driveway to themselves because even a year later they still can’t figure out how to properly park.

They have hit their fence post at least three times backing in, all while I was not there.

He’s not there to help, though…

Because they make it a hassle for me to get into my half of our driveway, I have began parking next to them.

Doesn’t seem like a problem right? Wrong.

It makes it a huge pain for them to get out of the driveway.

I have the option of driving into my yard as it is flat, but damn it, I want to keep my yard nice! They, however, has raised stones lining their side.

The further down they park, the further I park. The further I park, the closer they get to scraping against those stones.

Why don’t we both drive into the driveway instead of backing in, you may ask.

Because the neighbor across the street sometimes parks across from our driveway and it makes it very difficult to get out, even with a back-up camera.

At least not directly.

Neither of us have said a word about this to the other, but I know that they know what I’m doing.

Every time I park next to them, they back all the way into their side for a few days. Then its back to the same.

I’m just so dang sick of this song and dance.

As long as they refuse to park in a way that is not fair to me, I will continue to be petty.

Hell, maybe I’ll even start parking further down than they do just to really get the point across.

This is a brilliant but silent move.

Let’s find out what Reddit has to say about it.

The top comment says he should just talk to them.

Maybe it’s just a skill thing.

Continuing this way will likely make the problem worse.

Another vote for being mature!

A majority of us aren’t mind readers, after all.

I hope this doesn’t end in property damage.

We’ve definitely seen that happen before.

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